25 Funny And Relatable Work Memes That Your Boss Wouldn’t Be Too Happy About

Published 2 years ago

No matter what job you do, it’s pretty unlikely that Monday is your favorite day of the week. And if you do, well, kudos to you! Although I hardly believe you. However, suppose you are a regular employee doing that nine-to-five weekly grind. In that case, you certainly have some thoughts spinning in your head that you would rather not say aloud. At least if the boss could hear it.

This Instagram page has turned all our sneaky thoughts into accurate memes. As it says in the description, Corporate Humor is “here to provide comic relief to those working in the corporate world.” If at this very moment you find yourself bumming around in the break room, make sure your boss is not around. Enjoy the memes!

More info: Instagram

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Image source: corporatehumor


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Image source: corporatehumor


Image source: corporatehumor

Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

Got wisdom to pour?



Corporate Humor, corporatehumor, funny work memes, humorous work memes, Instagram page, jokes about work, relatable job memes, work memes