30 Funny Tweets That Perfectly Illustrate The Characters We See In Every Movie
Have you ever noticed how there are certain tropes that we see in almost every Hollywood movie out there? I mean things like the mother that prepares whole table full of food every morning only for the kids to grab a single piece of toast, the main character always finding a place to park in front of the building they’re going in, or the main character waking up after being knocked out like it’s nothing. And if you’re tired of seeing them, don’t worry – you’re not the only one.
Recently Twitter user Tom Cox shared a funny tweet pointing out how people in movies almost never say “goodbye” before hanging up, and soon enough more people joined in with more funny TV and movie tropes. Read some of the best ones in the gallery below!
Image source: jamiesmart
Image source: MmeDefargeKnits
Image source: Psychonaut99
Image source: sispurrier
Image source: JoScoMac
Image source: tcurtisphoto
Image source: ajdavies
Image source: cooksferryqueen
Image source: anothersarahj
Image source: LisaSollors
Image source: ChrisRBurrows
Image source: HellaHandbasket
Image source: mrmjrhodes
Image source: MCaselyHayford
Image source: cox_tom
Image source: medepaolo
Image source: GWR71
Image source: kingstonwrites
Image source: Bemnix
Image source: humblerock
Image source: virginia_gay
Image source: MortenSchoubye
Image source: dan_thom
Image source: markwh2001
Image source: iamriteamirite
Image source: jessmcguire
Image source: DominicDulley
Image source: DramaMatt
Image source: aliterative
Image source: JezzaTrev
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