Star Wars Waffle Maker Turns Your Boring Breakfast Into Death Stars

Published 9 years ago

Hankering for some breakfast from a galaxy far, far way? Get some with the Star Wars Death Star Waffle Maker. This ultimate breakfast weapon carriers enough power to destroy any belt buckle. From the array that fired the Alderaan-destroying laser to the equator trench, the waffles this waffle iron makes are fully detailed replicas. And with some creative eating, you can make replicas of the Death Star II, too!

The Star Wars Death Star Waffle Maker is one of the many products that fans can expect as we’re nearing the release of “Force Awakens” this December. In the meantime, you can amuse yourself with the DIY scout trooper jetbike drone we wrote about here and the story of the family that built a Star Wars bed here.

More info: thinkgeek (h/t: designtaxi)

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

Got wisdom to pour?



baking, breakfast, breakfast accessory, breakfast food, dark side, death star, death star waffle maker, food, imperial technology, planet destroying, star wars, star wars food, star wars waffle iron, star wars waffle maker, waffle iron, waffle maker, waffle shape