30 Simple Yet Genius Ideas That Should Be Used Everywhere

Published 5 years ago

Every once in a while we stumble upon someone’s simple yet genius ideas that make us ask ourselves: “Why didn’t I think of that?”. And while we may not have the answer to this question, we can’t help but admire them.

We have compiled a list of brilliant ideas people have come up with to make everyone’s lives easier and we can only hope they get implemented everywhere. From handicapped swings to ingenious pizza boxes, check them all out in the gallery below!

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#1 The Bathroom At My Doctor’s Office Has A Discreet Way For Victims Of Abuse, Violence, Or Human Trafficking To Get Help

Image source: theryanfight

Who knew such a simple thing as a piece of paper could potentially save a person?

#2 A Sign In The Women’s Bathroom For Those Who Feel Unsafe On A Date

Image source: Rachel Geng

The ‘ask for Angela’ idea was first implemented in a pub located in Lincolnshire, England and was quickly adopted throughout the world.

#3 My Local Vet Has A Sign And Candle For When Someone’s Pet Is Dying

Image source: trojanknight

Sometimes a minute of silence is all it takes to show respect.

#4 This Park Has A Swing For Wheelchair Users

Image source: Kittenblack

The rope can even be used to give yourself a good swing. No one should be excluded from having fun!

#5 These Lines Go Up The Wall So You Can Park Perfectly In-Between The Lines

Image source: Krzyygamin

How is this not implemented everywhere?

#6 A Color Blind Viewer

Image source: aegist1

11 of these ‘Color blind viewers’ were installed in five state parks across Tennessee.

#7 In Singapore The Elderly Can Tap Their Identity Card To Have More Time At The Pedestrian Crossing

Image source: NickyNek

Using the card before crossing the street adds from 3 to 13 seconds to the time the green light is lit.

#8 My Moms 3D Printed Cast. She Can Take A Shower With It!

Image source: xventriloquist

Also, probably much easier to scratch your leg when it gets itchy.

#9 This Toilet Flushes By Using Your Foot

Image source: BradleyC5922

That sounds pretty cool until there’s a drunk guy pretending to drive a toilet.

#10 This Shop Has A Option To Shop Alone Or With Assistance

Image source: noideawhatsupp

We’re surprised all the grey ones aren’t taken.

#11 This Dish Soap Lists The Purpose For Each Ingredient

Image source: silevram

Now do the same thing for food!

#12 This Hexagonal Graph Paper For Organic Chemistry

Image source: woodruff42

They should give these out to everyone studying chemistry.

#13 My Grocery Store Started Selling Overripe, Discount Bananas With A Recipe For Banana Bread On The Bag

Image source: WholesomeSwissCheese

You’ll go bananas for this bread!

#14 I Adapted A Rubix Cube For The Blind

Image source: Notafakeinterpreter

Over 350 million Rubik’s cubes have been sold worldwide, making it number one puzzle game ever sold.

#15 The Hotel I Am Staying At Has The Fire Evacuation Plans At Ground Level So You Can See Them If Smoke Has Filled The Hallways

Image source: cawclot

Also great if an evil witch turns you into a tiny dwarf.

#16 Washing Your Hands To Flush The Toilette

Image source: willbo_baggins_YW

So are you technically peeing in the sink? Or are you washing your hands in a urinal?

#17 Supermarket Trolleys In Sweden Have A Map Of The Supermarket

Image source: caspii2

More places need this – we’re looking at you, IKEA.

#18 This Stall For Your Dog Outside A Super Market In Copenhagen

Image source: Flixen01

Do they make these for humans too?

#19 Perfectly Flat Floor, Designed To Stop People From Running In The Hallway

Image source: roadtrip-ne

This mind-bending illusion took over 400 tiles to complete!

#20 A Public Bike Stand With A Built-In Pump

Image source: cremecitron

Pump it!

#21 This Bathroom In The Atlanta Airport Has Lights To Let You Know If A Stall Is In Use

Image source: katewhiteshark

The less socially awkward solution to knocking.

#22 My School Just Installed A CVS Vending Machine Full Of Medicine And Hygiene Products

Image source: CommandLionInterface

The big screen also gives information and high-resolution images of the product you want to purchase.

#23 My Local Car Wash Has A Gun For Kids That Shoots Soap Suds At The Cars Going Into The Car Wash

Image source: Micool31

What do you mean ‘for kids’? We want to try it too!

#24 A Business Card For Kids Who Are Allowed To Go Places By Themselves

Image source: jordan460

Keep next to your ‘get out of jail free’ card, just in case.

#25 This Pizza Box Can Be Torn In Half And Folded To Create A Smaller Box For Leftovers

Image source: dark_forebodings_too

Cool idea, even though there’s no such thing as leftovers when it comes to pizza.

#26 This Car Park In France Has Soft Barriers Between Parking Spaces To Stop People Scratching Other Cars

Image source: tomoblob

Also works as a pool noodle if the parking garage ever gets flooded.

#27 The Inside Of The Pizza Box Was A Tuxedo

Image source: pwenski

Now you can eat pizza with class!

#28 This Menu In An Italian Restaurant, Is Shaped Like A Circle Showing You What The Type Of Pizza Would Look Like

Image source: polynilium

Now make the menu edible.

#29 My Classroom Has A Mirror So We Can See Teacher’s Counter When He’s Cooking

Image source: AlexsDoritos

You should get one in your home so your neighbours could watch you reheating that 3-day-old chili.

#30 This Shoe Shop Has An Area To Test Your New Shoes, Containing Lego

Image source: Fresh_Asuna

You mind if I play with those Lego’s for a while?

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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clever ideas, clever solutions, everyday life problems, everyday problems, genius ideas, genius solutions