30 Times People Spotted An Example Of Good Urban Planning And Shared Pics Online

Published 1 year ago

Living in the city means dealing with various problems such as traffic, pollution, and crowd. Although there are numerous job opportunities and lots of comfortable amenities there, some of the overambitious cities have now become an “Urban Hell“.

However, as people are getting more and more aware of these modern issues, some city planners are actually trying to ensure that urban areas remain human-friendly and nature-friendly to a certain extent. Today, we’ve collected some impressive “Urban planning” designs that deserve appreciation. Check out the best ones in the gallery below.

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#1 Concrete Sewer Pipes Used As Outdoor Seating

Image source: reddit.com

#2 Apartment Building With A Park At Its Center, Berlin

Image source: archineering

#3 Holland, 1982-2020

Image source: -Johnny-

#4 Urban Space Is Complex. But The Math Is Relatively Simple

Image source: gfaster

#5 This Does Put A Smile On My Face

Image source: ForteLaidirSterkPono

#6 Bin For Cyclists In Denmark

Image source: ekernan

#7 These Public Benches Are Reversible, So You Can Choose To Look At People, Or Boats

Image source: BitchyOlive

#8 Heated Sidewalks

Image source: unroja

#9 My City, Delhi Is Redesigning Its S**tty Car Centric Good For Nothing Roads, Here’s Half Of A Wide A** Road Reclaimed

Image source: Hiif4

#10 Edinburgh, Scotland

Image source: mtlgrems

#11 Vienna Gasometers, Gas Storage Tanks First Built In 1896 And Converted Into Mixed-Use Developments Between 1995 And 2001

Image source: Coffee-ly

#12 “Gion Quarter” Kyoto, Japan

Image source: hyperius

#13 The Speed Camera Lottery In Stockholm, Sweden

Image source: neroina

Drive at or under the speed limit and you’ll be entered into a lottery where the prize fund comes from the fines that speeders pay. Average speed reduced from 32 km/h to 25 km/h (a reduction of 22%).

#14 Luminous Pedestrian Crossing In France, When A Person Is Detected The Lights Turn On To Warn The Drivers

Image source: Kemro59

#15 It’s Never Too Late To Acknowledge The Reality That Urban Highways Are A Fixable Mistake

Image source: Thereaper29

#16 I Dont Know Why, But I Just Love When City Elements Wrap Around Nature Like This. [oc] Photo Taken In Stockholm, Sweden

Image source: Herrkarlson

#17 Comfort Town, An Old Industrial Site In Kyiv Built In Response To Brutalist Soviet Era Apartments Buildings

Image source: IngFavalli

#18 World’s Tallest Indoor Waterfall

Image source: labitx

#19 Roundabout With Some Nature In The Middle, France

Image source: Kemro59

#20 Green Houses In Berlin

Image source: throatfuckthursday

#21 Planned This Shot For Months Before Coming To The Us, But I Didn’t Expect The Sun To Make The Rails Golden. Sometimes Photography Is Just About Being A Lucky Bastard

Image source: wonteatyourcat

#22 Paris, 9th Arrondissement. These Miniature Gardens Used To Be Car Parking Spaces Until A Few Years Ago. The City Reclaimed Them, And Replanted Them With Fruit Trees And Flowering Shrubs

Image source: silveryspoons

#23 Bumpy Plates For Blind People, Everywhere In France, I Hope It’s The Same For The Other Countries Too

Image source: Kemro59

#24 Rack For Locking Up Skateboards And Scooters

Image source: unroja

#25 The Outer Battery, Newfoundland, Canada

Image source: thetoxicblockmc

#26 Anybody Know Why This Is Designed Like This? (Copenhagen Denmark)

Image source: MopCoveredInBleach

#27 Quince Street, Philadelphia. Legalize Narrow Streets!

Image source: Urbinaut

#28 “Forget The Motor Car And Build Cities For Lovers And Friends.” – Lewis Mumford

Image source: silveryspoons

#29 Traffic Light With A Mirror To Allow The Drivers To See The Pedestrians/Cyclists That Are In Their Blind Spots

Image source: Kemro59

#30 A Roundabout In Nantes (France) With An Underground Car Park Entrance

Image source: Kemro59

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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design, good design, good ideas, good plans, good urban planning, urban planning, urban planning designs, urban planning ideas