Innovative Candle Holder Makes Candle Last At Least Twice As Long

Published 10 years ago

British artist and designer Benjamin Shine proved that real genius lies in simplicity. He came up with an elegant way to regenerate candles from the wax that would otherwise go to waste after they burn down. The Rekindle Candle is a candlestick holder that collects the wax of a burning candle in a container with a wick, forming a brand new candle ready to use. This innovation makes one candle last almost forever (provided you have extra wicks).

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Benjamin Shine, candle, candle holder, candle holder wax mold, candle mold, candle wax, candlestick, creative home products, creative products, design, product design, recycling, recycling candle holder, regenerating candle holder, Rekindle, reusable candle, reusable candle holder, reusing, reusing candles, reusing wax, The Rekindle Candle, wax mold