Google Updates Guidelines for Search Quality Raters

Published 8 years ago

Google just updated their search quality raters guidelines, giving business owners and online marketers a glimpse into what they should be doing to ensure that their respective websites are favoured by the search giant. The 160-page guideline has been revised and condensed into 146 pages. US-based search engine marketing expert Jennifer Slegg went through Google’s revised guidelines to document what have changed. Here’s what you and the web development Brisbane expert you’ve hired should know about Google’s search quality guidelines.

What We Know So Far about Google’s Revised Guidelines

1. De-emphasis on supplementary content

In the previous version of the guidelines, Google stressed the importance of having supplementary content on web pages. Before, the search giant wants websites that provide visitors with quality content that is supplemented by videos, e-books, and other information sources to make it more extensive. With the revised guidelines, however, it seems that Google no longer deem supplementary content as a priority.

2. Focus on local search

According to Slegg, local search is “getting hotter.” In the updated guidelines, Google puts emphasis on local. In fact, the search giant coined a new term for it: “Visit-in-Person.”

3. More emphasis on E-A-T

Google has put more focus on the expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness of a web page or website. The E-A-T of website basically includes main content quality and amount, website information, and website reputation. Google added that these elements should be frequently updated to ensure a site’s quality.

4. Mobile responsiveness is a must

With more searches coming from mobile devices than from desktop computers these days, Google deems a website’s mobile responsiveness as a top priority for its search quality raters. In the guidelines, the search giant provides a number of examples on what makes a website mobile-friendly.

Find Someone to Help You Adjust Your Online Strategy

Now that you know what Google search quality raters are taking into consideration when determining the quality of a site, it’s a must that you adjust your digital strategy accordingly. Enlist the services of web development and digital marketing experts to ensure that you’re website can get good marks when it is reviewed by Google’s search quality raters.

When choosing a digital marketing agency, consider their expertise on web development and search engine optimisation Brisbane. Also, make sure that they can help you optimise your website for mobile devices so it will be visible to those who are using their phones and tablet PCs to search related information online.

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