30 Unfortunate Christmas Fails That People Just Had To Share Online

Published 4 years ago

The holidays rarely go as perfect as we we’d like them to. There will always that one meal that didn’t turn out quite right, the package that was late or the relative that couldn’t make it. But don’t let that ruin your Christmas – laughing at the whole situation is a much better approach.

People online are sharing their most unfortunate Christmas fails, and we can’t help but find them pretty hilarious. Terrible gift wrapping, unfortunate presents, and not-quite-successful gingerbread houses – see all of that and more in the gallery below!

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#1 One Sprout For Christmas Dinner

Image source: jamesmurden

#2 There Was An Attempt To Wrap A Gift For Christmas

Image source: midnighthunder0

#3 My Sister Rented A Flat Here In North Of Iceland For Christmas, This Is Her View

Image source: maggipedia

#4 Expiration Day

Image source: WillKeible

#5 Sister-In-Law Orders A Japanese Whiskey For Me Every Christmas. I Don’t Think She Read The Description This Time When She Shipped Me A $50 Bottle Of Soy Sauce

Image source: Whippity

#6 Watched My Friends Dogs Today While They Were Gone, Tried To Get A Cute Picture For Them And Ended Up With Accidental Gem/Nightmare. Merry Christmas!

Image source: jillyjillyjilio

#7 My 6-Year-Old Got Tattoo Markers For Christmas And Disappeared For Half An Hour. Bonus: We Can’t Get It To Come Off

Image source: stephicus

#8 My 81-Year-Old Grandma Didn’t Look Close Enough At The Jumper She Bought For Xmas This Year

Image source: _hummusapien

#9 Most Of My Gifts Are Stuck In A Distribution Center, And Have Been For Over 2 Weeks. Guess My Brother In Law Gets This

Image source: TurtlesCantDrive

#10 Cat Ruins Christmas Photo

Image source: PoliticalCativist

#11 Well, Back To Video Games And Beer

Image source: FlintTheDad

#12 For Christmas, My Dad Received The Exact Outfit That He Was Wearing

Image source: CircuitBoredom

#13 My Girlfriend And I Bought Each Other The Exact Same Present. I’ve Never Laughed So Hard In My Life

Image source: joelham01

#14 That Is How You Know Your Mom Listens To Everything You Say

Image source: BickertonMiss

#15 I Ordered A 6ft Tall Rainbow Tree From A Facebook Ad And This Is What Showed Up. I’m Crying From Laughing So Hard, I’ve Never Had This Happen In Real Life

Image source: soomanytomatoes

#16 I Know It’s Supposed To Be A Soldier Kneeling But I Don’t See That

Image source: I_dont_remember_it

#17 I Got My 80 Yr Old Father This As A Gag Gift. When He Opened It, He Got All Embarrassed And Immediately Tucked It Away. Later, I Privately Asked Him Why He Got All Weird About It, And I Found Out That He Was Under The Impression That It Was A Sex Toy

Image source: PyroNecrophile

#18 My Parents (Late 70s) Got Me A PS5 Controller For Christmas. I Do Not Own A Playstation 5

Image source: Yabba_Dabbs

#19 12-Year-Old Set His Lawn On Fire After Getting Magnifying Glass For Christmas

Image source: nissalynn.parson

Christmas Day was memorable to say the least! My twelve-year-old son Cayden, who is an avid reader, an honor student, and interested in science, asked for a magnifying glass for Christmas. (It’s like a basketball player asking for basketball shoes.) We thought it was for reading, but instead, he tried to see if he could light a fire with it! We discovered that he and his two brothers went out on the driveway to see if they could burn a couple holes in some newspaper. Everything was under control until the boys came running into the house telling us that a corner of the lawn was on fire and the Christmas lights were melting! Justin and I rushed outside to see the entire front lawn turning black! We grabbed buckets, turned on the hose and sprinklers, and I grabbed blankets to smother and trap it – before it could spread any more into the neighbors’ yard! What a sight to see – a bunch of people running around crazy trying to put a front lawn fire out while wearing matching Christmas jammies!

I want to reiterate this was an accident. It could have been worse but it wasn’t. So instead of a tragedy, it will now be a Christmas to remember! 2019 – The Christmas lawn lit on fire. Oh and never buy a magnifying glass for your son!

#20 The Letters On My Holiday Bathroom Towel Wore Off

Image source: Aliciab12

#21 Walked Outside To Leave For Work Today, And Some Kind Individual Stole All My Wheels. Happy Holidays

Image source: Numbdeezy

#22 Every Year My In-Laws Have A Gingerbread House Competition And Every Year I’m Still A Disappointment

Image source: smugman246

#23 My Friends In The Sky Decided To Leave Me A Christmas Present While I Was Away. Thanks, Guys

Image source: jmel3312

#24 My Wife Started Painting Ornaments For Christmas, And Only Realized After She Finished This Bird That She Did It Upside Down

Image source: even-hungrier

#25 What I Ordered vs. What I Got

Image source: dylanciaga

#26 I’m A 23-Year-Old Man That Can Rebuild An Engine, Fabricate My Own Parts, And Drive Anything With A Steering Wheel. But For The Life Of Me Cannot Wrap An X-Mas Gift

Image source: ratrodder49

#27 Bought My Wife’s Christmas Gift On 12/10 And Was So Proud Of Myself When I Paid Extra For Two-Day FedEx Shipping

Image source: ohmy00

It’s been from WI to IL to NE to CO to NV to UT and is now in CA. I live on the East Coast.

#28 My Brother Got A Shirt For Christmas

Image source: knochback

#29 After Buying Christmas Decorations For My House, I Was Biking Home And Was Hit By A Car (Hit And Run) Causing Me To Black Out From Massive Head Trauma. This Is How Much I Owe For My Ambulance Bill

Image source: ltran2645

#30 Wasn’t On, Nobody Standing Near It, And My Oven Just Shattered. Just In Time For The Holidays

Image source: boozebonfire

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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christmas, christmas fails, funny