This 56-Year-Old Woman Is Destroying Age Stereotypes With Her NSFW Photos

Published 7 years ago

Julie H, who also goes by the name ‘The Burning Lotus’ is a 56-year-old model from Texas to whom age is just a number. Her provocative pictures have been surfacing on the internet and providing people with inspiration for a while now.

“I posted my images initially as a dare to myself ― again, an affirmation of existence,” Julie said. She became pretty popular online after uploading a picture of herself holding up her black bra. “The ‘senior ink’ image caught fire in a random way that still confuses and overwhelms me,” she said.

From that point, her Tumblr follower count has been steadily growing (it already surpassed 92k). People admire Julie’s courage. “I bring them hope about the aging process and/or they are no longer frightened about growing old.” Julie claims that society assigns value and stigma on what is acceptable and what isn’t. Her advice? “Confidence is primal and raw. Let that shit OUT. Life is too short to play it halfway.”

More info: Tumblr (h/t: boredpanda, huffpost)

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This is Julie H. from Texas, aka ‘The Burning Lotus’

She’s a 56-year-old model who has been taking controversial pictures of herself for a while now

“I posted my images initially as a dare to myself ― again, an affirmation of existence,” Julie said

However, after posting a side picture of herself holding up her black bra, Julie became pretty popular online

“Men and women of ALL ages (18 to 80) <…> tell me that I give them hope and happiness that sexy lives on as long as you own it”

Image credits: Michael Helms Photography

“I bring them hope about the aging process and/or they are no longer frightened about growing old. They admire my courage”

“I simply see the human body as an amazing machine with many moving parts. And parts is parts”

“Society assigns value and stigma on what is acceptable and what isn’t”

“Confidence is primal and raw. Let that shit OUT. Life is too short to play it halfway”

“Work on being a better person and love fully. And don’t be afraid to be perfectly imperfect”

Rokas Laurinavičius

I want to tell you a story.

Got wisdom to pour?



56-year-old, burning lotus, confident woman, Julie H, nsfw, provocative pictures, sexy at any age, sexy old woman, The Burning Lotus