30 Of The Funniest Profiles Spotted On Tinder (New Pics)

Published 3 years ago

With hundreds, if not thousands, of users in just your area alone, getting noticed on Tinder can be quite the task. That’s why some people like to get creative when it comes to their bios – and their efforts do not go unnoticed.

People are sharing the funniest and most creative profiles they’ve spotted on Tinder, and you can’t help but admire their ingenuity. Check out some of the best ones in the gallery below, and if you want more, make sure to read our previous post here!

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#1 I Super Liked Her, Just For That Awesome Bio

Image source: ItsNightbreed

#2 She’s Not Wrong

Image source: ojoaopestana

#3 Genius

Image source: ____Bella____

#4 A Rough Experience, I Must Admit

Image source: mutdoctor

#5 Spotted An Angel

Image source: Legendary—

#6 Touché

Image source: sujithm

#7 Changed My Age Range Just For Fun And The First Profile Is

Image source: reddit.com

#8 This Legitimately Made Me Laugh Out Loud

Image source: runnerennur

#9 She’s Just Looking For Her Prince Charming

Image source: bananaramazam

#10 His Bio Cracked Me Up

Image source: yaboiblackcheeseboi

#11 Glad To See Humor Isn’t Dead

Image source: GilbyPlease

#12 Had Me In The First Half, Not Gonna Lie

Image source: crwnhm

#13 Seems Like A Good Plan

Image source: richiguada

#14 I Swiped Right, Not Gonna Lie

Image source: queenarkham

#15 Great Bio

Image source: thejuggasaurus

#16 Sounds Like She Already Has Everything Planned Out

Image source: Cyber_Ghost17

#17 Just Promise The Perfect Date, And Watch The Matches Roll In

Image source: Slayer525

#18 Do You Think Her Mom Uses Reddit?

Image source: koolgamer12

#19 Friends With Benefits

Image source: ebeth15

#20 Sorry, What?

Image source: LordHrothmund

#21 I Can’t Stop Laughing

Image source: saltywithbutter

#22 Tragedy Of Tinder

Image source: Sky-Puppy_King

#23 Holy ****

Image source: ExoSpectra

#24 Lean Into It

Image source: Frankie_Bike_Dog_HFX

#25 Good News. We Matched

Image source: jackrbruce

#26 Figured I Gotta Get Over My Fear Of Girls Somehow. Wish Me Luck

Image source: crowbachprints

#27 Best Bio I’ve Seen In A While, Westjet Is The Airline

Image source: murat1993

#28 The Perfect Woman Does Exist

Image source: Sir_cocconut

#29 *tears*

Image source: R4DGUY

#30 I Swiped Right

Image source: guardianz

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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funny, funny tinder profiles, Tinder