9 Examples Proving That Hollywood Is Making The Same Movies Every Year
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re watching a movie and feel like you’ve already seen it before? The actors and setting might be different but you just feel like you know exactly what’s going to happen next. Well, turns out it’s because Hollywood loves making movies with almost identical plots – sometimes even a few during the same year! Twitter user Kris recently pointed this out and gave movies No Strings Attached and Friends with Benefits as examples. Apparently, the user was onto something as over 233k people liked his post and some even responded with their own examples – check them out below!
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean the movies are bad – they’re just a little repetitive. I mean, do we really need so much superhero movies or movies starring Dwayne Johnson?
Kris continued with even more examples
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
Image credits: KrisTosAplSauce
And don’t even get me started on movies starring Adam Sandler – there must have been a new one coming out every other week when I was a kid.
Other people responded with their own examples
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Image credits: tabitharees
Image credits: PhilippMKroiss
Image credits: elizabtchtaylor
Image credits: EczemaBoy
Image credits: gleeshfit
Image credits: therealberhagg
Image credits: King0fThieves
Image credits: King0fThieves
Image credits: King0fThieves
Image credits: BumbleBreeee_
Image credits: Nice_White_Lady
Image credits: cornpop76
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