How call analytics and call recording can help you to understand customer behaviour?

Published 8 years ago

Understanding the ‘customer experience’ is essential to any business and it is increasingly seen as the key to competitive advantage.Creating a good customer experience is all about knowing what the customer wants and how the customer wants to obtain it.

Inbound and outbound calls can be monitored using call analytics and call recording software, to provide insight into customer behaviour and customers’ experiences. Calls to specific numbers, DDIs or call distribution groups can be analysed and call recordings can be evaluatedto assess how the calls progress.

The business value of call analytics integrated with call recording should not be underestimated. Call metrics providelive statistics coupled with historical trends, to revealspecific and cumulative call volumes, including statistics that highlight call queuing time, the number of unreturned missed calls and resolution times. Listening to call recordings provides instant feedback and delivers qualitative research, which helps a business to gauge the clarity of marketing messages at the awareness stage of the sales process. Call recordings also reveal how calls are handled, how enquiries are dealt with and any repetitive stumbling blocks that prevent prospects from converting to customers. Where required, call recordings can be used as a tool to coach staff on techniques and interactions, for ongoing improvement and greater efficiencies.

Call recording integrated with call analytics enables a business to understand the complete customer experience, which can also make a huge differenceto the post-sales elements of the customer ‘journey’, such as installation, training, ‘usage’, support, upgrading/downgrading and exit. Analysis of call recordings is proven to improve customer satisfaction and retention, enabling businesses to streamline processes, reveal customer service workflow issues and ensure procedures are correctly scripted. Breakdowns in workflow can be identified by following the trail of conversations that took place.

The telephone is a source for significant insight whilst it remains the preferred method for immediate customer interaction. Telephone activity happens in real‐time, providing instant feedback for better and quicker decisions. Incorporating call analytics and call recording to any customer service strategy provides business leaders with the assurance that their decisions are based on a more complete picture of their customers’ behaviour.

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sumit goyal

Sumit Goyal is a Digital Marketing Expert and content strategist. He is being into Digital Marketing for the last 5+ years. Apart from work, he is a lyricist, love trekking, and a sports freak.

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