25 Times People Were Subjected To Hurtful Words
There are many times we get hurt by others’ words or cause pain in return with harsh comments. People recently got to discussing the most painful things they have ever heard from someone. Folks opened up on this Reddit thread about the hurtful words that sliced right through them like a sharp knife. Whether it is friends, relatives, dates or spouses the most cutting words have been shared in the gallery below.
#1 When I was about 7, one of the kids in my class was teasing me because “you have a fat mum”.
Image source: Incywincyspoder, Keira Burton b/pexels
I was so upset that someone could say something hurtful about the best person in my world. I convinced myself that they must just be jealous because getting cuddles from someone skinny must be difficult because of their pointy elbows, whereas cuddles from my mum where like cuddling an amazing powdery smelling cloud. They still are.
#2 I had struggled with infertility for years. At my dad’s funeral my step sister said “I bet you feel bad that you never gave him any grandkids.”
Image source: MistressAlabaster, Photo By: Kaboompics.com/pexels
#3 My first kid has Down Syndrome. Some lady at work asked me when I was pregnant for number two if I would do prenatal testing this time around so I could get rid of it if it turns out like the first one. Exact words. Geez, I hated her.
Image source: most-royal-chemist, Photo By: Kaboompics.com/pexels
#4 “No wonder your birth parents didn’t want you” – my foster mother.
Image source: Feeling-Produce-8520, Jansel Ferma/pexels
#5 “You’ll never be loved or cherished because you look like me. You will never belong anywhere, no one cares about you enough to actually be there for you. You will be a burden to everyone else.” – From Dad to 11 year old me after we argued about how he missed my birthday(again). But looking back, I laugh because…. it seemed like he was projecting his own insecurities onto me.
Image source: anon, Kindel Media /pexels
#6 My dad once said he wished he was working late the night I was conceived. I told him mom said he was.
Image source: NotAnAIOrAmI, cottonbro studio /pexels
#7 “It’s a boy or it’s abortion. I’m not raising a daughter.” I miscarried two days later.
Image source: Less_Squirrel5750, Timur Weber/pexels
#8 A teacher told me that with my poor handwriting, I should be working for a trash or waste disposal company. I took that comment and ended up receiving consistent tutoring for my penmanship and reading comprehension, and I’m now an English/Language Arts teacher.
Image source: Ice9Vonneguy, Pavel Danilyuk/pexels
#9 To this day, they do not realize how hurtful what they said to me was or how it impacted my whole life. “It was just luck.” When I fixed a stereo system my dad was trying to fix. It wasn’t luck…but from that point on I felt so stupid. I quit school in the 6th grade and was self taught on everything so that made it worse.
I went to college and got an Associate’s. Now, 15 years later, I’m returning to college at 35 to get an (unrelated) bachelor’s degree. I start in September. I am not stupid and it’s not just luck…
Image source: Ophelyn
#10 “You’re a stupid diaper wearing cripple and the world would be better off without you.” – my middle school bully. For context I have spina bifida and suffer from total incontinence due the nerves not working right.
Image source: scipio0421, Mikhail Nilov/pexels
#11 Locked in the bathroom, naked. “Just look at you! You’re fat and ugly. Nobody will ever love you the way I do.” – ex-husband. He was right, I married someone who does love me, just not the way he ‘loved’ me. Thank God.
Image source: Bo-bop, cottonbro studio/pexels
#12 “All I ever asked for was a son. You’re useless.” This was my dad to me. I’m the youngest kid – all girls. I was his last chance at a boy, so I failed at life the moment I was born. He never forgave me for not being the son he always wanted. That being said, I never forgave him for being an awful person, so I guess we were even ROFL. He died almost 30 years ago. Ta ta, m**********r….
Image source: Ernigirl, Nicola Barts /pexels
#13 “I can’t love you anymore. I don’t want to go to hell, like you.” My mom, after I came out. My dad agreed. Nothings ever been the same since. Every day is a struggle to stay alive.
Image source: Flimsy_Wait_8235, Pavel Danilyuk /pexels
#14 My mom told me this when I was 14, and it led to my first s*icide attempt: “you are a disappointment to me, and everyone who knows you. I should’ve just given you up for adoption.”.
Image source: anon, Polina Zimmerman/pexels
#15 My stepmom wrote me a letter when I was in my mid 20s, had 2 kids and happily married saying I had the morals of a alley cat, I was an unfit parent and my husband should divorce me. I was literally Cinderella starting from age 5. She even locked me in a cage.
Image source: frenchknot, cottonbro studio/pexels
#16 I have a daughter with an extremely complicated illness. Almost lost her to it twice when she was almost 3 and again 6 months later. In-between, this was 15 years ago, I broke down and wept, being so worried about her and also how distant my wife had become from me as well. After I settled down my wife told me that me crying like that had made me less attractive. My daughter is very stable now and I’ve been divorced for several years.
Image source: MaximusVulcanus, RDNE Stock project /pexels
#17 I had a theatre teacher/“director” pull me aside after a show that I totally spaced a queue/line (it honestly was a super insignificant line, and the other actor improvised very well) and she straight up told me:
Image source: IBeatUpLiamNeeson, cottonbro studio /pexels
“Putting you in this show was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. You’re a disappointment”
She got fired 2 years later and went to jail for a couple of years for banging my best friend’s cousin who was a 15-year-old student.
I wonder if putting me in a play with one line was the biggest mistake she’s ever made.
#18 My fiancé of 36 hours passed away on June 21st of 2009. She suffered a pulmonary embolism from her birth control Yaz
She didn’t die well… she was scared and panicked and all I could do was help, hold hand, call 911 and start CPR. In between seizing she said “oh god please don’t let me die.” I said you aren’t dying, just be cool and I hear ambulance. She passed 1 hour and 48 minutes later
She was very kind and that wasn’t meant to be hurtful at all. That comment caused me much hurt and anguish over last 14 years.
I love you Lindsay. I know I will see you again but have more life to live first.
Image source: JD054
#19 I had someone at work tell me that having breast cancer wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world because I would get a free b**b job. This was about two weeks before I had an excisional biopsy to find out if I did have breast cancer. F**k you, Nicole!
Image source: anon
#20 When I was young, my mom said holidays are better without me.
Image source: somewhereoutthere217, Monstera Production/pexels
#21 When I was younger, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. My siblings and I shaved our heads to support her. This kid told me that “he hopes my mom dies” and that I looked like I was in the holocaust. She has been cancer free for 13 years, but f**k that kid.
Image source: oprah-simpfrey, Tima Miroshnichenko/pexels
#22 My mum once said to me “I love you, you’re my daughter. But I don’t like you. I would never seek you out as a friend.” I was 21 and it was 40 years ago. I will never get over that, it hurt so much.
Image source: WeatherKat3262I, Polina Zimmerman/pexels
#23 I was in a car accident in 2014, my ex said to me “I just wish you died, it would be so much easier”.
Image source: Alternative-Shape-59, RDNE Stock project/pexels
#24 *You’re still here? That fetus died hours ago.*.
Image source: JustAnOldRoadie, RDNE Stock project/pexels
From the doctor that delivered my daughter then deliberately k*lled her because “too much paperwork involved to send her to Loma Linda. I’m a busy man. You’re young. Have another baby.” He had shuttled me off to a closet-size storage area with a bed. Forgot about me for 12 hours.
On 50th anniversary of her murder, my ex-daughter in law sent me a text that said *”I hope you suffer.”* My son and I celebrate that “ex” prefix at every opportunity.
#25 “I cheated on you, and the only reason I’m telling you is because I’m pregnant.”
Image source: anon, Nataliya Vaitkevich/pexels
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