25 Times This Online Community Revealed The Reality Behind The Instagram Photos
In today’s digital age, social media platforms like Instagram have become virtual playgrounds where individuals can curate their idealized selves through carefully crafted images. However, the rise of photo-editing tools and filters has blurred the lines between reality and fantasy, leading to a phenomenon known as “Instagram Reality.” This term encompasses the widespread practice of altering photos to such an extent that they bear little resemblance to the original subject.
A quick scroll through the ‘Instagram Reality‘ subreddit offers a glimpse into the extremes of photo manipulation. Here, users share examples of individuals who have taken editing to the next level, often with unintentionally comical or concerning results. From botched Photoshop jobs to excessive airbrushing and filter abuse, the subreddit serves as a reminder of the dangers of chasing unattainable standards of beauty and perfection.
#1 This Girl Has Several Thousand Followers. All Her Posts Are The Same Exact Face
Image source: carbonatedgravy69
30ninjazinmybag: “Tiny head, check. Weird chin, check. Anime eyes, check. 😆 🤣 😂”
Ephemera Image: “I find it really disturbing how so many want to look so childlike. Creepy AF.”
#2 They Really Post This Thinking It Looks Good
Image source: dumbfoundead33
Anna Ekberg: “Rofl, everyone stand clear! Looks like she’s gonna pop! 😂”
#3 Filtered Photo vs. Unfiltered Screenshot From Dress Designer
Image source: HiddnVallyofthedolls
Mavis: “The plastic surgery didn’t work so she has to photoshop as well. Crazy.”
#4 Now Girl
Image source: Kpre813
Nancy Lynch: “Nope.”
M O’Connell: “I don’t get this at all. She’s actually quite a bit better looking in the second photo.”
#5 Got This Korean Photographer Account As Recommended…i Honestly Feel So Sad To See This, Both Men & Women Gets Edited
Image source: Hagacchi
Zedrapazia: “This is sad. Both of them look like absolutely average people given the body shape, but they still seem to feel fat and ugly :(“
Roan The Demon Kitty: “The dark side of Korea – the beauty standards are absolutely insane. :/”
#6 Reality TV Contestant-Her Ig vs. How She Looked On The Show ?
Image source: actiasdubernardi
E.V.: “She forgot to edit her arm lol”
#7 Most People In The Comments Genuinely Believe It’s “Just Makeup”
Image source: PresidentBasil9187
Nancy Lynch: “Really? Nope.”
Tobias Reaper: “what make up shrinks your chin and makes your eyes huge”
Nina: “Seriously? I know there are real artists out there who make art with make-up, but to look like that you’d really need extensive cosmetic surgery.”
#8 “One Month After Giving Birth”
Image source: calilav
Zedrapazia: “I unfortunately gave birth to not just a baby but also all of my organs and my lowest ribs”
#9 What She Posted vs. What The Makeup Artist Posted
Image source: ilovemuesli
Anna Ekberg: “If you are gonna fake it this much you might as well go all the way and turn yourself into a blonde looking angel while calling yourself the queen of England. 🤷♀️”
#10 Lmfao!!! What I Just Found On Ig
Image source: dumbfoundead33
solitaire: “that…that’s not how perspective works”
#11 What They Post vs. Tagged
Image source: BubblyBb813
Anna Ekberg: “Why do people insist on taking 30 years of their pics? Do they really think no one will notice?”
#12 All My Friends Have Been Drooling Over This On Facebook, But I Can’t Get Over How Tiny Her Head Is
Image source: abortionlasagna
annie: “i can’t put my finger on it, but something looks a bit off here”
Caroline Nagel: “You must be as blind as a bat if you drool over this monstrosity.”
#13 Third And Final Round
Image source: jajaja45
Corvus: “Looks like a poorly made collage from the 90’s.”
#14 “Two Months After Giving Birth”
Image source: calilav
#15 She Literally Swapped Races Omg
Image source: bimbotstar
#16 Skin Texture For Thee And Not For Me!
Image source: YouNeedCheeses
#17 Left Photo Was Taken At The Event Unedited, Right Photo Is What She Posted Online From The Same Weekend
Image source: Twinkletoes72989
Juliet Ware: “That’s the Kartrashians for you”
#18 This Is Satire, Right?
Image source: adyingmess
Anna Ekberg: “Am I missing something? Is tiny head to a big body the new IT now?”
#19 Her Photos From 2023 vs. 2019…
Image source: hhhhhhhhhhhgg
Corvus: “My life has been so much better since I got squeezed by that giant mechanical claw.”
#20 I Wonder Why She Doesn’t Want Anyone To Take Her Photos
Image source: vampirebuffy
solitaire: “”they made me look bad”… no, they just didn’t edit you to the moon and back”
#21 Plastic Surgeons Now Yassifing Their Patients On Social Media
Image source: Haunting-Mortgage
#22 I Feel Yall Would Absolutely Eat Her Up Here
Image source: LettuceSome9935
#23 Why Do People Genuinely Believe The Female Human Body Is Capable Of Looking Like This?
Image source: ellainchainss
Corvus: “And then people act surprised when they learn one of their friends has an eating disorder…”
#24 A Popular Tiktoker’s Instagram vs. Tagged Posts
Image source: nialovesmilfs
#25 This Mom Facetuning And Photoshopping Herself And Her Son’s Girlfriend
Image source: Mommywritespoems
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