30 Times Boston Home Inspectors Found Interesting Things On The Job, And Couldn’t Resist Sharing

Published 3 years ago

If you think that home inspectors do nothing more than walk around with a clipboard and ponder how on earth has your house not collapsed yet, then you’re only half correct. Turns out that they also inspect all the outlets, appliances, fixtures, and almost everything else you can think of – and often spot some pretty interesting things while they’re at it.

Boston Home Inspectors are, as the name suggests, Boston, MA-based home inspectors with 24 years of experience. They regularly share all of the interesting and dangerous things they spot on the job on Instagram, and you’ll be surprised by what they manage to come across. Check it out in the gallery below, and if you want more, see our previous post about the weird things found by Alpha Structural here and here!

More info: bhi.us | Instagram

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#1 Found The Cool House In The Neighborhood!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#2 Kids, Please Grab The Oven Glove For Me

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#3 Interesting

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#4 Just A Cool Set Of Stairs

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#5 When You Need Privacy!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#6 Well, Hello Now!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#7 Seriously?? I Know You Said It Wasn’t Finished Yet

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#8 Another Room With A View!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#9 With This Design You Can Multitask. Wash Dishes While You’re On The Crapper

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#10 This Was Sent To Me From Masong187!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#11 Mother-In-Law Door

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#12 Children And Drunks Are On Their Own!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#13 Hmmmm

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#14 Almost!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#15 All Right, Put Back The Other Half Of The House

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#16 Now This Is A Basement We Can Party In!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#17 Would Love To Chat With Who Came Second!!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#18 Timber!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#19 Found At Work Today!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#20 Seen Something Cool At An Inspection

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#21 Wavy Deck! Imagine A Couple Of Cocktails

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#22 Kinda Close….for New Construction!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#23 Sometimes You Just Need A Little Edge!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#24 Looks Like I’m Going To Have A ‘Fun-Gi’ Day! Ok I’ll Stick To Home Inspections And Leave The Comedy Alone

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#25 Day 3 Of 7! Mold Week

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#26 Remember When???

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#27 Somebody Forgot To Change The Water Filter

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#28 Almost!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#29 More Water Is Going Up Than Down!

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

#30 Dryer Lint. The Cremated Remains Of Missing Socks

Image source: bostonhomeinspectors

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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Boston Home Inspectors, dangerous homes, funny, funny home inspector finds, home inspectors