20 Examples Of Bad Logo Designs Shared By People In This Twitter Thread

Published 2 years ago

Logo designing is one of the most creative and challenging categories in graphic design. If done right, simple arrangements of words and images can effectively communicate a great deal of stuff. However, if not done right, it may look absurd and ridiculous!

Recently, a Twitter user “good small horce” shared a “Women’s Network” logo design and said, “I am a graphic designer and this is the worst logo I’ve ever seen”. The tweet received many replies in which people shared some more logo designs that they found terrible. Scroll below to see some of them.

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Image source: george_llevi


Image source: mdw1


Image source: John_Kenney


Image source: agentsmart


Image source: correctrix


Image source: brandonleetaco


Image source: Venatrix18


Image source: cavesivan


Image source: agentsmart


Image source: houseadreides


Image source: llucy_p


Image source: Steg68


Image source: birkez90


Image source: 3_esse


Image source: JaneJonesing


Image source: steviexmcfly


Image source: SlickNickLives


Image source: hawkward97


Image source: Montxin12


Image source: grafiklee

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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bad logo designs, bizarre logo designs, graphic design, logo design fails, logo designs, weird logo designs