20 Of The Coolest Outfits This Dad Made For His 9-Year-Old Daughter
Back in 2014, Michael Gardner had taken up sewing as a way to bond with his 3-year-old daughter Ava. Fast forward 6 years into the future, and the man now runs a successful blog called Daddy Dressed Me, where she shares all of the amazing custom outfits he makes for his daughter by upcycling thrifted women’s clothes.
On his blog, Michael explains that his mission is to help Ava build her self-esteem and establish confidence in herself and her abilities. The man says he learned to sew by watching YouTube and Pinterest tutorials. So far Michael has created over 200 unique outfits, and has gathered over 21k followers on his Instagram account.
Check out some of the outfits that Michael created in the gallery below!
More info: Instagram | Facebook | daddydressedmebymg.com
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
Image source: Michael Gardner
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