Michael Jackson's Billie Jean performance depicted through paintings

Published 8 years ago

Michael Jackson’s classic Billie Jean performance has been recreated in a series of 12 paintings by artist Daniel Brooks.

‘’Growing up in the late eighties, MJ was my favorite popstar. I was always fascinated by the way he moved, sang and performed… he was electric, a magician!

In my eyes Billie Jean is the definitive pop performance, it is perfection. The shimmering jacket, glove, socks and hat are iconic. I focused on capturing his signature moves, motion and energy.

Mainly painting in oils previously, for this project I used acrylic as I wanted to paint fast and freely. The aim with this series of paintings is to depict the genius and magic of MJ at his highest peak.’’

www.danielbrooksstudio.com | www.facebook.com/danielbrooksart | www.instagram.com/danielbrooksart

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Daniel Brooks Art, Daniel Brooks Studio