Artists Shows How Our Everyday Habits Are Killing The Planet
Most people agree that pollution is the nasty thing killing the planet. These illustrations by Eglė Plytnikaitė show how even our daily routine hurts the Earth. Plastic from our bottles of water and coke end up polluting the oceans; cows that give us milk and meat pollute the atmosphere. The list goes on.
Eglė Plytnikaitė is an artist from Vilnius, Lithuania, who worked in sustainable architecture before starting a career in illustration. “We are used to enjoy our comfortable daily routine without thinking how much does it cost to the planet,” she wrote on Bored Panda. “Unfortunately, destroying the planet means destroying ourselves, so joke is on us – all the droughts, floods and extreme water and air pollution is our fault.”
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how can electricity cause floods?
CO2 emission causes tsunamis…. What????? Try earthquakes causes tsunamis