20 Times Terrible Endings Completely Ruined Good Movies

Published 4 years ago

Going to the cinema to watch the latest movies is always a gamble. Many times the trailers tend to hype them up by showing the best scenes (and sometimes even important plot twists), and once you watch the actual movie, you realize that it’s terribly underwhelming. However, there’s one more thing that can quickly ruin even the best of movies – and that’s a terrible ending.

One Reddit user recently asked people “What movie ending ruined the whole movie for you?”, and started a rather heated debate with more than 20k comments. People were listing some of the movies they enjoyed right up until the ending, and their comments will make you realize how nonsensical some of the endings were. Check out a collection of movies that were ruined by their endings in the gallery below but be warned – spoilers ahead!

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Image source: -eDgAR-


You’re telling me that this alien species that is vulnerable to water was trying to invade a planet that is 70% water?


Image source: server_busy

I gotta go with the flying car in Grease


Image source: ToothlessCapybara

Lucy. I hate that movie.

It’s a really good concept and movie until the very. It tells the story about a girl that is kidnapped and used as a drug mule for this new drug, but the bag inside her leaks and she gets overdosed. This doesn’t kill her though, she’s now able to use more than 10% of her brain (which I know is complete bullsh*t cuz we use 100% of our brain but not at the same time) and gets superpowers. Then for some reason she needs to take more of the drug to reach complete usage of her brain and, when she does, she becomes a flash drive. A FLASH DRIVE. SHE BECOMES A FLASH DRIVE


Image source: MarkF6

I Am Legend.

Stupid test audience approved happy ending


Image source: martej

City Of Angels, where Meg Ryan (human) dies in a bike accident right after Nicolas Cage (angel) decides to give up immortality to be with her


Image source: [deleted]

Superman (1978), he reverses time by flying backwards around the earth.


Image source: MrBirdHorner

Spielberg version of War of the Worlds, somehow Robbie is still alive and waiting for them in Boston. Not only did the circumstances make his survival virtually impossible, but his character was so annoying that the twist of him being alive just destroyed all my previous satisfaction in him being deceased


Image source: cursed_deity

Ready player one

the guy is the gameworld every day all day long because his life sucks and that’s understandable

the movie ends with him getting the company, and one of the rules he implements is that the gameworld gets shut of 1 or 2 days every week… AFTER HE GOT A GIRLFRIEND! what an unbelievable ass that guy is, he was literally online every single day when his life was [miserable], but now that he has a girlfriend he shuts it off so people can ”enjoy life” you didn’t seem to enjoy it in your abuse household earlier in the movie…


Image source: jalepenogrlll

Downsizing. Great concept that could’ve been done without the forced love story.


Image source: thwipsandquips

Hancock. Loved the premise and seeing Hancock start as this sarcastic, alcoholic, and bitter hero who’s hated by everyone and then turn into an actual hero who people look up to and respect is touching. The PR angle for a superhero movie was interesting and unique. But then all of that is ruined by the lovers twist. I’m fine with either the superhero PR angle or the tragic lovers angle, but they’re way too different and the latter is introduced too suddenly. Hancock really feels like two separate movies stitched together


Image source: chrisl182

Indiana Jones and crystal skull. Big bloody spaceship just coming out the ground like that. That whole film was a farce actually.


Image source: SumGoodJuJu

The Aladdin remake. I was beyond disappointed to not see a battle between Jafar as a snake and Aladdin. Nobody asked for the giant nameless parrot to chase them through the city. No one. Give me a snake battle


Image source: beefa232

Frozen II. I don’t think it was nice of Elsa to miss her sister’s coronation! She wasn’t even doing anything important


Image source: leonmacdonaldrules

The Circle…seemed to be a film warning of the dangers of sharing too much online, only to do A COMPLETE 180 on the message at the end!


Image source: notreallysrs

Batman v Superman was pretty weak. Hyped up a big fight throughout the movie which was fizzled out to some other bs.


Image source: Lpreddit

Passengers. It could have been an amazing sci-fi movie where Jennifer Lawrence was forced to make the same decision Chris Pratt’s Marvel character Star-Lord did. Instead they went for a happily ever after


Image source: YoshiGamer6400

Toy Story 4, almost as if Woody had a complete personality shift


Image source: silvermoonchan

The very last moment of The Crimes of Grindelwald. Hey let’s upheave tons of established lore in the last 30 seconds! The [hell] was that?!


Image source: AgDirt

The Breakfast Club.

The premise of the whole film is, “teenagers can be judgy and awful to each other, but everyone is fighting their own battles so we should try to be nicer to each other”

Then they give the weird quirky girl a makeover to look more like the normal girl, people partner up in order of attractiveness and the nerdy dude is left on his own…


Image source: HighPrairieCarsales

My Sisters Keeper. Especially since I read the book. I very nearly threw my remote at the TV I was so pissed

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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movies, movies ruined by terrible endings, terrible endings