20 Pics Proving Why Russia Is Different From The Rest Of The World

Published 3 years ago

Russia provides the most entertaining content when it comes to photos of everyday life. What seems to be a normal thing for a Russian may seem a bit strange to people of other countries, and that’s what makes these pictures quite amusing. I mean, how often do you see someone hammering their car to get the ice off, or someone traveling with their pet owl in the subway?

The Twitter page “No Context Russia” is dedicated to sharing photos of ‘Russian reality’ with ‘no context’. Scroll below to see some of the pictures shared on this Twitter page to witness the bizarre and unique things that could happen only in Russia. If you wish to see more interesting pictures of Russia, check out our previous posts, here and here.

More info: Twitter

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Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC


Image source: Russia_NC

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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A Normal Day In Russia, Everyday Life, interesting, no context pics, No context Russia, Russia, weird