25 Nostalgic Photos For Those Who Are In A Throwback Mood
A little trip down memory lane is good for the heart and soul. If rewatching movies and TV shows is calming for the mind, then revisiting nostalgic pictures can likely be just as healing for anxiety and stress.
One dedicated online community by the name of, r/nostalgia advises its members to “grab your Pogs, Surge cans and Thriller cassettes”. Catering to over 1.4M people globally, this group’s description reads, “Nostalgia is often triggered by something reminding you of a happier time”. If a little throwback session sounds appealing, scroll to check out this photo collection of the veritable ‘good ole days’ that we love to moon over.
#1 The Magic That Was The Scholastic Book Fair
Image source: MccreesKnees
Robert T: I remember the magic of the library van coming round. It parked up outside the school and we went in to choose our own books.
#2 Wooden Playgrounds
Image source: Xnightx0wlx
K- THULU: Oh, I dreamt of wood play equipment as a kid…. we had welded steel slides that you could fry an egg on in the Australian sun…
#3 Cross-Section Books From The 90’s
Image source: 4khz
Ece Cenker: I still love this sort of illustrations. They are informative and help your imagination actually get in the subject.
#4 Who Remembers Reading About The Adventures Of These Two?
Image source: iSmokeTheXS
#5 Wilson From Home Improvement, And How They Always Managed To Cover His Face In Every Situation
Image source: ABC
#6 Anybody Old Enough To Remember Being Taught With An Overhead Projector And Writing On These Transparencies?
Image source: ScrunchJeans
#7 90s PC Speakers
Image source: i_wanna_pee_on_you
ndosidius: They warned you before a call on your cell phone came through…
#8 Remember Watching The Pipes Screensaver?
Image source: IHaveShitToDO
#9 Burning The Sickest Cds In The Neighborhood
Image source: Jeffrey_Strange
Johnny McFearless: Person who made this CD definitely never could have imagined it’s picture would be a part of every 90s nostalgia list ever, and that thousands upon thousands of people would witness their childhood taste in music. I wonder if it keeps them up at night.
#10 Old School Pizza Hut
Image source: reddit.com
#11 The Labels That Came With Vhs Tapes
Image source: radcatmom
#12 Drawing Your Sun In The Corner
Image source: reddit.com
#13 Pencils With Cartridges
Image source: Lexjiggler
#14 Working On The Car With Your Dad So You Can Learn How To Fix Stuff. All I Learned Was How To Hold The Flashlight And Get Yelled At
Image source: reddit.com
#15 Remember When You Didn’t Have To Enter Your Personal Info Online To Win A Soda?
Image source: VitruvianHooligan
#16 The Ge Alarm Clock That Everyone Seemed To Have
Image source: 2ezyo
Pernille: Where I’m from it was a Philips, but we all had them
#17 The Smell Of Opening A Brand New Can Of Play Doh
Image source: colburn317
#18 The Family Computer
Image source: IrishAzrael
#19 Removing The Faceplate Of Your Car Stereo So It Wouldn’t Get Stolen
Image source: ebjazzz
g90814: Mine still got stolen… and they went through my whole car to find the faceplate too.
#20 Ahhh Yes, Square Slices Of Pizza At School
Image source: Whitlow14
#21 Flipping Through These As A Kid Trying To Find Your Favourite Bands Poster
Image source: beardynolando
Dan Flo: Yeah… Favourite bands… That is what teenage me was looking at flipping through those. 😇
#22 Who Remembers This [ice Cream] From School?
Image source: 42iseverywhere42
#23 Mechanical Pencil Sharpener- Sharpened Many Pencils In School Using One Of These. Always A B***h Whenever You Had To Sharpen An Unsharpened Pencil
Image source: umasstpt12
Anastasia Beaverhausen: I can hear this photo
#24 So today, I accidentally broke my autistic brother’s favorite dragon tales plate and I can’t find it anywhere online. If someone finds one like or similar to it (online or in your basements) I’d pay you for it and you’d be really helping us out! Thank you, internet folk! :)
Image source: meatygonzales
Update: Daniel has received the dragon tales plate thank you so much for everyone’s support and help
#25 Remember When Laptops Used To Have That Little Rubber Clit For A Mouse?
Image source: reddit.com
Gary: I could never find the damn thing.
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