35 Pics Of People Who Have No Idea How Personal Protection Works

Published 4 years ago

You’ve probably seen it on TV, heard it on the radio and read about it on the internet – wear personal protective equipment when going out in public, maintain social distance and wash your hands often. Yet no matter how many times they hear it every day, some people still fail to grasp the importance of protecting themselves (and others) during this outbreak. But don’t worry – there’s nothing a little public shaming couldn’t fix.

People are sharing photos of people acting like complete idiots during the coronavirus outbreak and the pictures will make you shake your head in disbelief. From microwaving money to avoiding everything that has “Corona” in its name, check out the people who acted like idiots during the outbreak and got shamed for it in the gallery below!

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#1 Just Your Typical Walmart Shopper

Image source: LordCinko

#2 Stupid Mask

Image source: EmilyAnnette6

#3 All The Beans At My Local Grocery Store Are Out Except This One

Image source: ThePortlandStrangler

#4 Well, Thank Goodness The Virus Can’t Move Sideways

#5 Someone Tell Snorkel Lady That It Won’t Work

Image source: rsm386

#6 Someone’s Rooftop Party Is About To Get Raided By The Cops

Image source: kalltvatten

#7 $5000 Canadian After Someone Using The Microwave To Disinfect It

Image source: jdk

#8 Went To The Shop Last Night. Every Aisle Had Been Picked Clean Apart From This… People Are Idiots

Image source: Cha7l1e

#9 Well

Image source: KenWebsterII

#10 To Make This Safe

Image source: boberfly

#11 If You Can’t Smell It, You Can’t Get It

Image source: corey-in-cambodia

#12 5G —> Death = Science

Image source: froooon

#13 So, My Work Had A Meeting About The Importance Of Social Distancing Today

Image source: SoManyWeeaboos

#14 This Guy Was Eating His Food Wearing The Same Gloves He’s Been Wearing Since He Walked In

Image source: Necessary-Silver

#15 To Shield The Face

Image source: ThisIsTrix

#16 Social Gathering At St Kilda Beach Today

Image source: leighhenningham

#17 How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

Image source: cuchicou

#18 How To Put Your Mask Correctly

Image source: rilebro

#19 Ladies And Gentlemen, The President Of Our Meatpacking Plant While Talking About The Plant’s Safety Procedures During The Virus

Image source: sunkist268

#20 She’s Wearing A Mesh Bee Keeper Type Helmet. I’m Not Sure She Gets The Point

Image source: karmapointsaregay

#21 To Protect Against COVID-19

Image source: Mrdazjames

#22 It Was Painful Watching This Happen

Image source: send_me_ur_best_meme

#23 Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner Doesn’t Seem To Understand How To Put On A Medical Mask Either. Mayor, Your Nostrils Are Showing

Image source: KenWebsterII

#24 I Don’t Think She Knows What “Quarantining” Means

Image source: lynchdabinch

#25 No, I Don’t Use My Nose To Breathe

Image source: PianistCryuff

#26 Protesters Against Quarantine Back Again At The Ohio Statehouse

Image source: karenkasler

#27 Someone Brought These Bills To The Bank They Tried To Sanitize In A Microwave

Image source: Jamaisfaux

#28 I Don’t Believe This Is Proper Glove-Wearing Protocol

#29 Wife Said To Wear A Mask In Public Areas?

Image source: kayosjim

#30 There Was An Attempt To Use A Mask

Image source: PropagandaDebunker

#31 He’s A Little Confused But He Got The Spirit

Image source: bandalogy.com

#32 N95s Filtering Improves If You Wear It As A Headband

Image source: orlando2542

#33 I Don’t Think That’s How It Works

Image source: eoztenten

#34 Good To Know Coronavirus Only Travels Forward And Backwards

Image source: jcepiano

#35 Seen Today In The Atlanta Airport – Babies In Comforter Bags

Image source: hme9115

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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common sense, coronavirus fails, covidiots, people act irrationally, people acting dumb during the pandemic, people don't know how viruses work, ridiculous coronavirus fails, Self isolation, silly things people do during the coronavirus pandemic, Social Distancing, stupid people during coronavirus quarantine