When Awkward Turns Awesome: 25 Realizations That Shifted Perspectives

Published 3 weeks ago

We all have those little habits and routines that we do without a second thought, believing they’re the best or only way to do things. But sometimes, we stumble upon a better, more efficient way—and it can be a total game-changer. In a recent Reddit thread, users were asked, “What’s something you’ve been doing wrong for years and then found out a better way to do it?” The answers ranged from simple kitchen hacks to life-changing discoveries.

Here’s a collection of some of the most surprising and helpful tips shared by Reddit users.

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Image source: Water_Meat, Patrick

This sounds so f*****g stupid, but I was never told how to “flash” my lights whilst driving. For the first ~3-4 years of driving, I’d turn my full beams on and then off again really quickly. Then one time, I accidentally pulled it towards me, made it flash, and my life changed.

I noticed one of my friends doing my same old trick a few months ago, and when I pointed out the actual, correct way to do it, one of the girls in the back was like “NO F*****G WAY!” and the other one was like “Yeah that took me a while to figure out but was too embarrassed to say anything”

I’m not saying this is a widespread thing that people didn’t know, but I guess driving instructors in my town just don’t tell you that s**t.


Image source: LoneThestral, Kaboompics.com

Washing my hair and drying my hair. Not necessarily doing it wrong but my hair used to be constantly greasy even after showering despite scrubbing my hair as much as possible to remove grease. One day I was hungover and had a shower, shampooed my hair but forgot I did it and did it again before conditioning. My hair has never been cleaner. I even use half he normal amount so I’m not using too much shampoo and it works.

And I used to just put my hair up in a towel without actually trying to get water out of it (this was mostly when I was younger though).


Image source: anon, dolga1987

I am two handed. Been using the scissor in my left hand for 20 years.. Always struggled in shcool projects.. Then, my gf made me put it in my right hand. Turns out I am a god-tier scissor user.


Image source: Nymeria85, user20119892

Peeling boiled eggs. Always peeled off part of the egg white with the shell until my neice, who was 14 at the time, told me I need to roll it around on the counter to seperate the shell from the egg. A 14 year old taught me such a simple trick.


Image source: TheGoodJudgeHolden, freepik

I have a heavy, thick beard. For about a decade, I served in the US military, and as such, was required to shave every day. I probably spent thousands on Gilette Sensor Excel blades, I’d use one for about a week before my beard growth mangled it.

At the risk of sounding like a f*****g hipster, I now use a safety razor. My wife bought it for me about 3 years ago, and it’s one of the best gifts I’ve ever been given. Had I known of these years ago, I would have saved incredible amounts of money. I spend pennies to the dollar on blades, and they last longer.

Sometimes, the old ways are the best.


Image source: mt0622, Racool_studio

Literally just learned about the snipping tool on Windows today. Up to this point I had done a screenshot, then paste into paint, then crop my selection from there. I’m a second year grad student.


Image source: anon, Sarah Chai

Eating pistachios
I’ve only recently learnt to use a shell to open the others without hurting my hands by wedging it open. Helps my salt addiction.


Image source: Kodi_Jo, K8

I learned how to eat a kiwi correctly. About a year ago I was peeling a kiwi like I always have and my aunt gave me a funny look and said: “why don’t you just cut it in half and eat it with a spoon?” It had never occurred to me to eat it that way. I felt so dumb.


Image source: DenL4242, Miriam Alonso

It was at least 25 years before I realized it’s easier to sit down to pee in the middle of the night than it is to aim in the dark. Bonus: You can keep your eyes closed so you don’t fully wake up.


Image source: autumnreader, Nik

Laundry. I had always been taught that you need to wash a shirt, pants, or whatever else after wearing it only once. So I have been doing this for years and years. Going through tons of laundry every week. Finally a friend mentioned to me that he only does laundry maybe once a month tops. I asked how that was possible and he explained the logic of wearing things a few times before washing them (so long as there’s not stains on them from the first wear). Can’t believe I didn’t figure this out sooner.


Image source: Kitcat1987, dusanpetkovic

Knees up whilst pooping. Get a stool and elevate your legs and works like a charm.

Fewer hemorrhoid problems, less straining and much cleaner.


Image source: Razorray21, The Nix Company

Reheating pizza in a frying pan

SOOOOOOOO much better than the microwave

Edit: some instructions (may vary depending on the type of pizza crust)

Lightly grease the bottom of the pan. Cooking spray is fine.

Place pizza in pan, cover, and set to medium-high heat

occasionally slide the pizza in the pan to prevent sticking.

Heat until the cheese is melty, and the crust is crispy.


Image source: diamondskindx, vovashevchuk

I used to stand in the shower and suffer that first blast of cold water. Did not consider any alternatives until I saw my partner patiently waiting outside the shower for a few minutes until the water warmed up. Life changing!


Image source: BrazenNormalcy, RDNE Stock project

For years, washing laundry with liquid laundry detergent, and the old soap sludge on & around the little cap/cup used to measure the detergent would build up and get nasty and get on everything. Then, I realized I could just toss the cup into the washer too.


Image source: Brontosaurusus86, Vladdeep

I never knew you can take the basket out of the dishwasher that holds the utensils and carry it to the drawer to unload.


Image source: onionrings4eva, Vitalii Khodzinskyi

Whenever I got the washing from the line I used to take the pegs down too and put them in a basket. When I got married, I found my husband would always leave them sitting pegged on the line. At first it would irritate me but then I thought about it. You don’t have to always be reaching up and down and up and down. The pegs are already waiting on the line for you. It changed my world.


Image source: MacAtack3, freepik

Your microwave has power levels, and they’re super useful.

Tired of having half your food on fire and the rest frozen? Hit that power level button. It cycles the microwave emitter on and off for a percentage of the cook time that you choose. This gives the heat time to diffuse throughout the food. Just remember to increase how long you cook it for and voila! Trust me, your leftovers will thank me.


I’m sure there’s lots I’m not thinking of but one is cleaning. It used to be so hard and take so long to do just one thing. But at some point I realized that at least part of the reason is because I thought of cleaning as a negative thing, I’m not sure how to word that out, but cleaning was never fun and seemed like a drag. At some point I quit thinking of it as a bad thing, it’s good because it makes things look nice, smell fresh etc. That change makes cleaning way more positive and I get it done faster now.

Image source: icyangel2666


I used to squirt the shampoo directly onto my scalp. I did this until the first time I took a shower with another person and saw them just squirt it into their hands. It blew my mind.

Image source: babysalesman


Image source: IneffableSounds, Lisa Fotios

To be honest, drinking water before and after bed. I used to just bring some soda or iced tea with me and drink similarly sugary beverages in the morning (I wake up at 5am and work 2 jobs getting home around 8:30). Drinking a quick glass of water especially before I leave the house greatly improved my mood going into work where I just wait to get our first break to get something in my stomach. Feels much better and I don’t wake up feeling like s**t or anything negative.


Image source: Seohnstaob, pixel-shot.com

I just learned at 25 that you’re supposed to wash rice.


Image source: TheMakoSoldier, Luis Quintero

Switched from my dominant hand to my non-dominant hand.

It’s almost like someone else is doing it.


Image source: degraffendore, Racool_studio

Cooking bacon. Apparently cooking it in the oven is the best way to cook it.
Goodbye bacon grease splatters! My arms are no longer under siege whenever I want some bacon. All hail whoever figured that out.


Image source: MacAtack3, Getty Images

I wear my socks inside out on purpose. The seam is on the inside, and it puts a lot of fuzz on your toes and you can feel it against your toenail.

Flip those bad boys inside out and you’ve got yourself a smooth, smooth sock. And (with ankle socks) no one will ever know the difference.


Image source: SeyiDALegend, Tirachard Kumtanom

Let’s be honest guys, eating with a spoon is way more efficient than eating with a fork or chopsticks.

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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breakthroughs, life hacks, lifelong mistakes, mistakes, transformation