12 Interesting Things This Photographer Captured On The Rooftops of Hong Kong

Published 6 years ago

Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze is a French photographer and while traveling around Hong Kong he managed to capture some incredible shots of the city’s rooftops portraying the unique side of Hong Kong.

As Romain says himself, ‘This series began with a stroke of luck. It was one morning in 2014 when I found myself on a rooftop while scouting for another photo project. The sky was very clear that day, and the rising sun illuminated the city little by little, opening small pockets of light through the buildings. At that moment, a patch of rooftop nearby was suddenly bathed in light, and something on it moved. Looking more intently, I realized it was someone mending an aerial, as though spotlighted by the sun. I quickly snapped the scene, entranced by the magic of the moment.’

Scroll down to see Romain’s incredible work!

More info: romainjl.com | Instagram (h/t)

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#1 “Bonsai Master,” A Man Is Watering Bonsai Trees On The Rooftop Of His Building

#2 “Carjacking,” A Daddy And His Son Are Playing On A Rooftop With A Red Toy Car

#3 “Bamboo Weavers,” Workers Are Setting Up The Bamboo Scaffolding That Will Be Used For The Building’s Facade Restoration

#4 “Pushing Up,” A Man Is Doing Some Physical Exercise On The Rooftop

#5 “Life In Pink And Grey,” Two Little Girls Are Playing With Skipping Rope On The Rooftop

#6 “Morning Fix,” A Man Is Fixing Up The Rooftop’s Antenna At Dawn

#7 “Concrete Canyon,” A Lady Is Collecting Her Laundry At Sunset Above The Bustle Of The Street

#8 “Young Reporter”

#9 “Collecting Laundry,” A Lady Starts Is Collecting The Laundry That Has Dried Up During The Long Sunny Day

#10 “Sun-Dried,” A Lady Is Checking On The Meat Drying On The Rooftop

#11 “Laundry Corner”

#12 “Sky Walking,” After Checking On An Antenna, A Man Is Walking Slowly On The Roof At Sunset

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Hong Kong, hong kong rooftops, Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, Romain JL, rooftops, urban photography