30 Times People Shared Examples Of Extreme Summer Heatwave Temperatures This Year

Published 2 years ago

Has this summer been bothering you with its crazily high temperature too? Have you seen damaged roads around you, melted traffic lights, or animals desperately looking for cool shelters?

Apparently, there are still many people who do not believe in ‘climate change’, however, the scorching heat in many parts of the world this summer has proven that “climate change is real”.

The heat waves have broken records and the wildfires throughout the northern hemisphere are some signs that are not to be taken lightly. Scroll below to see some photos revealing the effects of the heatwave.

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#1 Human Lets Stray Dogs Sleep In His Store So They Can Cool Down In Hot Weather

Image source: sinnersanctum

#2 It’s Literally Insane To Have Them Wear That Outfit In This Heat

Image source: nytimes

#3 “How Hot Is It Today, Hun? Hot Enough To Shatter Our Outdoor Table”

Image source: custardy_cream

#4 Hot Enough For You? Hotter Than It Used To Be, And Getting Hotter Every Year. This, From Kuwait

Image source: Mohayat

#5 Measured The Road Temperature Outside My House – Don’t Walk Dogs In This Heat

Image source: LittleEngland

#6 I Gave This Pregnant Cat An Ice-Cold Bottle Of Gatorade To Hold On To During A Peruvian Heatwave

Image source: WhatsThisPlant

#7 Another Casualty Of The Heatwave, Found This Dehydrated Pipistrelle Bat In The Garden Just After Dark Last Night

Managed to get it to drink some glucose solution and an hour later it was flying around the street lamp catching insects.

Image source: gloworm62

#8 Hedgehog Came Out To Us. Due To The Very Hot Weather In Belgium We Thought It Was Thirsty And It Was. Cat Approves

Image source: Mediocre_Martin

#9 What’s The Point In Buying The Ramen Cooker? Just Use The Bowl

Image source: thejoebrown, thejoebrown

#10 Had To Bring My Birds Inside Today Due To The Extreme Heat Outside

Image source: Depressed-NotEmo

They are NOT house ducks, and they’re watching the washing machine—My dad walked past them sniggering, pointed to the washing machine and said “Petflix”.

#11 Europe’s Hottest Week

Image source: StefSimanowitz

#12 “It Is So Hot In NYC Right Now That When I Was Waiting For The Subway Today, The Tracks Literally Caught On Fire”

Image source: ileana.justine

#13 My Local Library Being A Bro During A Heat Wave

Image source: PatentGeek

#14 This Church Always Has Great Signs, But I Guess This Heatwave Is Getting To Them

Image source: redrumpanda

#15 Delicious

Image source: jewlieee_l

#16 Our Cat Confirming The Heat Wave In India

Image source: Tech-Sapien18

#17 Wonderful

Image source: tws_pk2

#18 If You Have A Garden, Try To Leave A Bowl Of Water Out. Wildlife Suffers From This Heat As Much As We Do

Image source: emehen

#19 Many Schools Have Been Finding New Ways To Keep Their Children Cool During The Heatwave

Image source: The Teacher Traveller

#20 Patch Of Grass That Was Saved By The Trampoline During The UK Heatwave In July

Image source: Sweet-liqourice

#21 My Thermometer Has Reached Its Limit In The French Heatwave

Image source: Archaicarc

#22 A Neighbor Put Out A Doggy Station With Treats And Water. To Help Dogs Cool Down During The Heat Wave We Are Having

Image source: Embarrassed-Mouse-49

#23 It’s So Hot In Milan, That My Coffee Machine Is At 40°C Even If It’s “Powered Off”

Image source: pilotstella

#24 Spotted Today. Mancunians Are The Best

Image source: Proper Manchester

#25 Wild

Image source: stubutchart

#26 Can I Cool My Cat With Wet Towels On Very Hot Days?

Image source: Polaster64

#27 Brown Beetle Infestation In Argentina Due To Intense Heat Wave

Image source: cindymfernandez

#28 You Cannot Make This Up

Image source: angelboomin

#29 Let’s Hope The Impending Showers Can Penetrate This Dry Ground

Image source: fatrat

#30 Cooling Down Station

Image source: menzelxhiu

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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climate change, effects of heat wave, environment, heat wave, heat wave 2022, nature