40 Side-By-Side Comparisons That Show The Power Of Perspective

Published 3 weeks ago

How much of the changes around us do we take the time to notice? Over time things inevitably diversify even if we don’t track the changes. Trees keep growing, animals keep evolving, and nature itself is in a constant state of motion.

Today we explore a collection of photos that depict these transformations in an incredibly fresh take. These fascinating comparison images found from around the world show how extremely remarkable even the absolutely ordinary can be when we learn to appreciate the world from a whole new perspective.

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#1 I Came Back To This One Waterfall In Yamagata During 3 Different Seasons

Image source: souji5okita

#2 Two-Faced Cat

Image source: reddit.com

The Phantom Stranger: Can’t think of a clever name, but this would be Harvey Dent’s cat!

#3 All Of The Different Colors Of Carrots

Image source: reddit.com

Livingwithcfs: I love all the different colors of carrots, look so good in a salad

#4 Police Come In All Shapes And Sizes. 6’9″ Compared To 5’1″

Image source: SCSO Katie Wood / Queensland Police

Mohsie Supposie: If he farts, she is going flying off!

#5 Evolution Of A Collie Snout

Image source: ladolcefroota

arthbach: Wow! This dog so ably displayed the gangly teenage look.

#6 The Stark Difference Between A Kroger And Farmers’ Market Strawberry

Image source: DoodleNoodle08

Mrs Irish Mom: Never seen a straberry so red, it looks delish

#7 The Amount Of Dandelions On My Neighbor’s Lawn vs. My Lawn (We Get Equal Sun)

Image source: SinnamxnRoll

#8 The Size Difference Between Me And My Opposing Goalie The Other Night. I’m 5’3 Without Skates And He’s 6’7 Without Skates

Image source: bluesxorpion

Manana Man: I guess he just stuffs himself in the goal so it’s sealed.

#9 My Wife’s New Backup Drive vs. The One She Bought In 2010

Image source: pak256

#10 These Eggs Were Not Dyed. Different Breeds Of Chickens Lay Different Colored Eggs

Image source: PoppyToffee

#11 Same Spot, Same Cat, Two Years Difference

Image source: alrightmousey

#12 My Dog Laika Has Two Different Eyes And Two Different Ears

Image source: superfudge73

Jan Rosier: boop !

#13 Objects In The Mirror Are In A Different Timeframe Than They Seem To Be

Image source: phba

#14 A Museum Demonstrating What Happens When You Let Visitors Touch Marble

Image source: frituurgarnituur

Bob Brooce: Dirt can be cleaned, but marble is a pretty soft rock and years of touching it would remove some of it. You can’t fix missing marble, softened edges, or worn down places. It’s taken quite a while, but these are the stairs in the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

#15 Noticed My Pupils Are Two Different Sizes

Image source: Nerdlifegirl

#16 The Size Difference Between My Aunt And Her Dog

Image source: LetsGoLesko8

Mrs Irish Mom: Ur aunt and her horse

#17 100% All Purpose Flour vs. 100% Whole Wheat Flour (1/2 And 1/2 In The Middle) Same Recipe, Same Process

Image source: notabot780

#18 The Pocket Size In Female vs. Male Levi’s Jeans

Image source: Suspicious_Salad_864

Diane Tucker: Grrrrrrrr.

#19 The Difference In Appearance Of This Nuthatch After I Found It vs. After A 2-Hour Nap In A Shoe Box

Image source: FunSushi-638

#20 Mining Truck Compared To A School Bus

Image source: holm8116

#21 Human Next To The Femur Of Sauropod Patagotitan Mayorum. It Is One Of The Largest Dinosaurs In The History Of Our Life

Image source: Aurimas Valujavičius keliautojas

Spencer’s slave no longer: Yet some people still don’t believe they existed.

#22 Before And After The Recent Storm In Dubai. I Now Have A Lake View Apartment

Image source: mrjamiemcc

Brandy Gray: Honestly don’t know why anyone would wanna live in a desert that costs 10 times more then any other place.

#23 Just Noticed The Size Difference Between Europe And The Land Of The Free On My Boxers

Image source: Motherhazelhoff

ZGutr: Somehow that is scary

#24 My Dog’s Winter Coat vs. Summer Coat

Image source: Jet_Threat_

#25 People Always Told Me I Looked Like My Father. So When I Found A Photo Of Him At 28 Years Old, I Had To Recreate It When I Turned 28

Image source: Trollshak

Mohsie Supposie: You just photocopied it! /s

#26 A Skagit Valley Tulip Dares To Be Different In Mount Vernon, Washington

Image source: elundeen

Mrs Irish Mom: Stand out, stand proud

#27 5 Hour Difference In Iowa In April

Image source: emik7133

#28 The Evolution Of My Final Take On An Origami Portrait Compared To My First Attempt. Practice Makes Perfect, As We Say

Image source: Nemessys

Luiza Menezess: Wow, I had no idea this even existed. I am seriously impressed!

#29 The Sinks At This Family Restaurant In Belgium Are All Different Height

Image source: archon810

HF: Am I the only one thinking: “Let’s make a waterfall all the way!”?

#30 It’s Storming Outside One Of My Windows And Beautiful Outside The Other. The Windows Are Right Next To Each Other

Image source: Lady_DudeBro

arthbach: Yup. It’s called a weather front.

#31 The Difference In The Fur Of My Almost Identical Cats (Spiky vs. Smooth)

Image source: Intelligenitals

HF: Obviously, your cats are at different resolutions

#32 The Size Of Antarctica’s Ice Sheet Compared To A Cruise Liner

Image source: reddit.com

#33 Bird Sitting On Its Own Info Board

Image source: Yoskeh

Phoenix Burn: “I absolutely did not sponsor this board, but yes I am iconic!”

#34 A Polar Bear’s Paw Print Compared To A Human Hand

Image source: cas2ie

Green Tree: What are you doing?!?! That looks fresh – Run!

#35 Hair Shrinkage Compared To Hair Straightener

Image source: Clear_Constant_3709

NapQueen: An example of somebody who can have both short AND long hair….amazing!

#36 The Size Difference Of My Dogs, Both Girls And Same Breed

Image source: heidipauliina

Agfox: Laughed at this comment on the Reddit post “One’s a Bernese mountain dog and the other is a Bernese hill dog”

#37 One Of My Pepper Seedlings Is Albino

Image source: romeaboo

The Phantom Stranger: Ghost Pepper! Or rather, Ghoooooost Peeeeepper!

#38 The Size Difference Between My Mom And My Little Brother

Image source: thesandwitchpeople

Mohsie Supposie: “Little”

#39 Found 8 Different Colors Of Sand Within 10 Feet Of Each Other At The Beach

Image source: ythegoodhandlestaken

#40 The Elevator For Art vs. A Normal Elevator

Image source: Pinkfatrat

NapQueen: This was actually taken in the police station – there is a lift for the 6 foot 9 policeman and one for the 5 foot 1 policewoman.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



Comparisons, diversity, fascinating comparisons, side-by-side comparisons, transformations