20 Of The Weirdest Wikipedia Articles Shared By The ‘Depths Of Wikipedia’ Instagram Account

Published 3 years ago

No matter how weird, bizarre or oddly specific something might be, if it exists, there’s most likely a Wikipedia article written about it. And just in case you don’t believe me, the Depths of Wikipedia Instagram account might help change your mind.

The account in question is strictly dedicated to the weirdest Wikipedia articles out there, and it’s absolutely hilarious. From movies about drying paint to overly-complex English sentences, see the most unusual articles tucked away in the depths of Wikipedia in the gallery below!

More info: Instagram

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#1 This Is A Good One

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#2 And They Were Roommates

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#3 Kafka

Image source: _drip_drip_

#4 We’re All Guilty Of That

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#5 In Protest, A Guy Made A 10 Hour Film Of Paint Drying Just To Force The Film Classification Committee To Watch It

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#6 Planned Procrastination— When The Only Time You Can Find Motivation For A Task Is When You’re Under A Tight Deadline.

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#7 Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#8 April Fools Lore

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#9 Relates To The Concept Of Automaticity: The Ability To Do Things Without Occupying The Mind With Low-Level Details

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#10 Filling My Exam Answers With Swag

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#11 Just Like Crabs In A Bucket Block The Escape Attempts Of Other Crabs, People In A Group May Attempt To Sabotage The The Most Talented Group Member Out Of Envy And Spite

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#12 This Is The Deepest Stuff I’ve Heard In A While

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#13 Rigged, I Knew Josh Would Win

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#14 Just Gals Being Pals

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#15 Obsessed With The Complexity Of The Chart On The Third Slide

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#16 When Incompetent People Can’t Understand Their Relative Incompetence

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#17 When A Thing/Concept/Word You Just Learned About Suddenly Seems To Crop Up Everywhere

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#18 Dilbert Principle

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#19 This Could Be Us

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

#20 In 2003, A High Schooler Named Mike Rowe Had His Website Cease-And-Desisted By Microsoft. Eventually, After Media Attention, The Tech Giant Gave Him A Settlement Including A Trip To Microsoft Tech Fest And An Xbox

Image source: depthsofwikipedia

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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Depths of Wikipedia, funny, weird wikipedia articles, Wiki, Wikipedia, wikipedia articles