What Are the Elementary Causes and Symptoms of Uterus Prolapse

Published 8 years ago

Uterine prolapse is an ailment that befalls when the pelvic floor muscles are no longer robust enough to support the uterus. Consequently, the uterus slopes toward or through the vagina. It is a situation in which a woman’s uterus (womb) slides into the vagina. In some circumstances, the uterus can overhang from the vaginal opening. This illness occurs when the muscles and ligaments within the pelvis become feeble or sloppy and are inept to sufficiently support the uterus. Uterine prolapse can be classified as incomplete or complete:

• Incomplete uterine prolapse: when an incomplete uterine prolapse befalls, the uterus is partly displaced into the vagina but does not project

• Complete uterine prolapse: when a complete uterine prolapse befalls, there is a part of the uterus bulging out of the vaginal opening.

Uterine prolapse is classified by its severity, determined by how far the uterus has sloped:

• 1st grade: sloped to the upper vagina

• 2nd grade: descended to the introitus

• 3rd grade: cervix has sloped outside the introitus

• 4th grade: cervix and uterus have both sloped outside the introitus.

In some circumstances, uterine prolapse can cause obstacles, including ulceration of visible tissue and prolapse of other pelvic organs such as the bladder (cystocele) or rectum (rectocele).

Symptoms of uterine prolapse

Symptoms of uterine prolapse can differ contingent on its severity. Typical symptoms of uterine prolapse take account of:

• Pelvic weightiness or pulling

• Vaginal bleeding or an upsurge in vaginal discharge

• Problems with sexual intercourse

• Urinary leakage, holdingof urine or bladder infections

• Bowel movement complications such as constipation

• Lower back pain

• Uterine protuberance from the vaginal opening

• Sensations of sitting on a ball or that something is dropping out of the vagina

• Sloppy vaginal tissue

Trivial cases of uterine prolapse may be asymptomatic. Symptoms that do present often become shoddier in the later part of the day.

Causes of uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse is the outcome of lax pelvic floor muscles that can be triggered by a multitude of conditions:

• Pregnancy and childbirth

• Age

• Recurrent heavy lifting

• Straining during bowel movements

• Chronic coughing (chronic obstructive pulmonary ailment, for instance)

• A history of pelvic surgery

• Hereditary predisposition to having enfeebled connective tissue.

If you want to treat this ailment without resorting to surgery, you can opt for herbal treatment of uterus prolapse.

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