20 Unconventional Wedding Photos That Won At The FdB Awards

Published 1 year ago

Photographers from all over the world can enter the highly respected and prestigious FdB Wedding Awards by sending their most unconventional and unique captures of wedding celebratory moments. 

Taking place once every three months, this process was overseen by three international photographers, Rino Cordella (Italy), Christian Cardona (Colombia), and Elena Flexas (Mexico), who judged the entries of over 1500 photos from over 12 different countries. 

The competing photographers aimed to capture the outstanding moments of a wedding, from the laughter and smiles to the kisses and tears creating unique memories that last a lifetime. Whether it be for inspiration or commemoration, you can check out some of the winning shots in the gallery below. 

More info: fotografos-de-boda.net | Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com

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#1 “Let The Veil Fly High On The Mustang” Photo By Dami Saez (Spain)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#2 “The Sky Is The Limit” Photo By Gabriel Monsalve (Spain)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#3 “Dancing As If You Were Alone” Jesus Herranz (Spain)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#4 “So Happy” Photo By Fran Ortiz (Granada) W.p.o.t.y. 2022

Image source: fotografos de boda

#5 “Colours On The Street” Photo By Natali Agarcía (Spain)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#6 “I See You” Photo By Simona Cancelli (Sicily)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#7 “It’s Raining My Darling” Photo By Jordi Tudela (Barcelona)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#8 “Butterflies In My Eyes” Photo By Pedro Alvarez (Spain)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#9 “We Love Dancing With Sharks” Photo Bu Andreu Doz (Spain)

Image source: fotografos de boda


Image source: fotografos de boda

#11 “The Taste Of Love” Photo By Isa Bazin (France)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#12 “Wedding Smiles” Photo By Yuan Man (China)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#13 “Let My Shoe” Photo By Fran Ortiz (Granada) W.p.o.t.y. 2022

Image source: fotografos de boda

#14 “So Little, So Cute” Photo By Jose Ignacio Ruiz (Madrid)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#15 “Let’s Make A Toast” Photo By Alberto Ramirez (Spain)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#16 “Just You And Me” Photo By Serena Roscetti (Italy)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#17 “Who Invited A Goat To My Wedding?” Photo By Mile Vidic (Canary Islands)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#18 “It Is Snowing… But I Am With You” Photo By Marta Monés (Spain)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#19 “Sweet, Sweet Love” Photo By Ismael Peña (Spain)

Image source: fotografos de boda

#20 “Grandma And Her Little Boy” Photo By Barbara Fabbri (Italy)

Image source: fotografos de boda

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



FdB Awards, FdB Wedding Award, outstanding wedding photos, unconventional wedding photos, wedding awards, weddings photos