Here Are 25 Women’s Insights On Solo Living Safety
In the vast landscape of the internet, communities like Reddit provide a unique space for individuals to share experiences, exchange advice, and foster a sense of connection.
Recently, women on Reddit have been engaging in an empowering conversation, sharing valuable insights on how to enhance safety for those living alone. From practical tips to ingenious hacks, the collective wisdom on Reddit is proving to be an invaluable resource for women seeking to create a secure home environment.
Image source: Throwawaychica, Louis-Philippe Poitras / unsplash (not the actual photo)
My dog for tangible threats, and my cats for spiritual threats.
Image source: Ready_Engineering104, Chiara S / pexels (not the actual photo)
When I lived alone in an apartment, I bought Men’s shoes from Goodwill & left them outside by the doormat so ppl didn’t think I lived alone. That & my 22 made me feel safe.
Image source: cyclika, JESHOOTS.com / oexels (not the actual photo)
A dog. He’s little and fluffy but any dog deters break ins because they make noise and get in the way. It also goes a long way to quiet that paranoid “what if someone is hiding in the basement” voice because I know he would smell an unusual person in the house.
That, and honestly I stopped watching crime shows. For as much as I loved detective stories, it took me way too long to put it together that maybe my anxiety of being raped and murdered could be related to watching TV shows all day where someone gets raped and murdered, then going for a drive and listening to a podcast about someone who got raped and murdered, then unwinding before bed with a murder mystery. I stick to sitcoms now and I’m in a much happier headspace.
Image source: DachshundNursery, 20th Century Studios
I use a Kevin McCallister-style security system of leaving c**p in front of my doors so anyone breaking in will knock s**t over and I’ll hear it. .
I got to know my neighbors, researched my neighborhood, and DO NOT hide a key. I have trusted people with my key that help me out if I lock myself out or need someone to watch the kitties when I need the favor.
My neighbors are great. We help each other out with the yard work, keep pests away, and keep an eye on the kids (my one neighbor is like the community grandpa). Yesterday, we had an incident where a man who seemed confused where he was and got into a neighbor’s car. Neighbor made sure he wasn’t going anywhere and called 911 once he realized this guy wasn’t a threat.
Get to know your neighbors, ladies. It will be awkward and stressful, but it’s better to know who they are than to isolate and be caught off guard.
Image source: Kitchen_Candy713
Image source: YeahCanIGetUuuuuuhhh, Anete Lusina / pexels (not the actual photo)
I have a lot of strategically placed 3 wick jar candles. I don’t actually burn them, they’re there for pleasant scent and the fact that they can crack a skull. I had an incident many years ago, and as soon as you start lobbing those things your targets gonna run.
Image source: MaggieMews, Joanna Kosinska / unsplash (not the actual photo)
One night I had a nightmare so vivid of someone entering my apartment via my 2nd floor balcony that I found myself standing outside my bedroom door, disoriented and ready to fight. I had never felt unsafe in my apartment, but that dream really shook me and made me think I needed to be better prepared.
I couldn’t afford a security system, but, I had a bunch of tiny bells left over from a craft project. I tied them at intervals along a long piece of string and hung it on the balcony door in a way that, if the door opened it would make quite a bit of noise. Old school security alarm.
Image source: heteroerotic, Teguh Sugi / pexels (not the actual photo)
I used to keep a baseball bat with a sock on the end near my bed when I lived alone.
It’s to give you a second chance to swing if someone grabs the bat on your first swing … they’ll be staring a rando sock in their hand when you nail him in the balls or face.
Thankfully, I never had to use it!
Image source: birdsandbeesandknees, Mike Mozart / flickr (not the actual photo)
Wasp spray on your nightstand. It sprays 50 feet.
A few security measures, but frankly, it’s so safe in this little town where I live (Denmark), that I can leave my bicycle fully loaded with groceries while I pop in at another store or at the library, and everything will still be there when I get back out.
Hell, I’ve even forgot to lock my front door for a few days every now and then, and absolutely nothing happened.
The only two times that I’ve had something serious happen, it was someone close to me that was the cause.
So I’m not particularly worried about my safety in my place in general, but I’ve gotten a lot more picky about who I let in.
Image source: MBAdk
Image source: PERSEPHONEpursephone, MART PRODUCTION / pexels (not the actual photo)
I no longer live alone, but when I did I was VERY intentional about who knew where I lived and who I brought over. Current and ex partners are far more likely to be dangerous than random strangers.
Other than that, keeping doors and windows locked and alarmed doors when needed and maintained a mantra that I’ve done all I could and stressing beyond that was no more helpful than being at peace. Living in fear is a prison.
Image source: HardRockDani, Keagan Henman / unsplash (not the actual photo)
Lived alone with three kids for ≈15 yrs.
* Cameras 360° around the exterior of the house with motion lights and alerts
* Deadbolts on all exterior AND interior doors (including interior garage door)
* Padlocks on the gate to my backyard
* Window film & locks on all 1st floor windows
* Compact, modern sporting, and scatter-style defensive tools
* CCW permit
* Very barky dog(s) :)
* Pepper spray in every purse/bag, on my key chain, & work lanyard
* Disabled the auto-unlock feature on my vehicles
* Kept my garage clear so I could park IN my garage rather than on the driveway/street
* Good front and rear dash cam with sentry/parking mode feature engaged
* App on my phone (to check in with a trusted family member each day (2-way))
* Got to know my next-door & across the way neighbors and made a habit of letting them know when I would be traveling, expecting visitors, etc. (we are blessed to have had the same neighbors on 3 sides for
10+ years)
This all evolved over time, as I learned from my own and others’ experiences.
When I met my (now) husband he was at first taken aback, but now is as security-focused as me – and we’ve got his mom set up with similar systems and tools.
Image source: fatchamy
After this guy hid behind a door and kept trying find me in my building over 3 weeks (never caught), I have 2 door jams. One for my main door and one for my bedroom door as a failsafe if he gets past the front door to buy more time for emergency services to respond or to re-orient myself with weapons I keep in my bedroom. The doorjam was effective even when he shattered the door in half trying to gain entry one night. My dog actually saved my life, he knew he was hiding behind the door and refused to let me pass and huffed a warning. I heard him breathing through the door grate and was able to rush through before he could slam the door on my dog. Since then he now huffs to alert me when men seem to be following me and also a makes a loud single bark if he hears someone at the front door. It’s very helpful.
I live alone but it’s in a small studio apartment in a secured building. Even though the building is secured, I lock my front door no matter how long I’m gone for. That means taking out the trash, going down the hall to pick up my laundry, etc. Door is always locked.
Something I also do that I noticed my guy friends don’t do is I check the peephole before opening the door at all times.
Image source: sassylady029ba
Image source: cyberdong_2077, Rulo Mora / pexels (not the actual photo)
My spouse is home alone once or twice per month when I’m away for work. She bought her own gun after we had a home invasion in 2016. Since then we’ve also had a home security system put in and adopted a pair of German shepherds, one of which is actually a retired K9 officer. The other is just a 90-lb butterfly who loves everyone, but the robbers and rapists don’t need to know that.
Image source: didyoubutterthepan
I no longer live alone, but when my husband is out of town, I feel safe knowing that I know all of my neighbors well enough to run to their house at any hour and they’d let me in. I also have two fierce guard dogs that bark anytime anyone gets near our house/me.
Image source: Calm_Artichoke_, Vlad Rudkov / unsplash (not the actual photo)
My 130 lb doggie. Huge sweetheart unless he thinks you’re threatening me.
Image source: Merlot4U, Samson Katt / pexels (not the actual photo)
I don’t live alone anymore, but when I did, my dog made me feel safe! Edit to add that even living with someone, my dog is a great alarm & safety system
When I lived alone, I would put those sliding window security locks in every window so they couldn’t be wedged open and I would even wedge chairs under doors. A dog also helps. And I’d have a nice bedroom door lock lol. Idk. I guess I was trying to make a bunch of hard obstacles before they could get to my room.
Image source: Angry1980Christmas
I lived in an apartment complex. Which i believe is much safer than a house at times.
I had a few things infront of my door that would make noise, and i would also always double checked that i had fully locked my door. Being in a studio apartment, it was easier to keep myself safe otw to the apartment.
Like when I would get in the elevator with maybe a delivery man or someone that I had never seen in the building or even someone that gave me bad feelings, I would go up a few floors or down a few floors. Then i would use the stair case to make my way to my apartment. I know its a lot but it also was my first time living alone, in Toronto, as an undergrad University student. So i had a bit of reason to be paranoid.
Image source: sadasawasata
A set of nun-chucks, grannie’s cane, my machete, and 3 vicious felines. They wake me up by growling. They do a wonderful job, and I spoil them rotten. Also, a loaded 45. ?.
Image source: Antique_Affect_4503
Image source: Waste_Coat_4506, Andrea Piacquadio / pexels (not the actual photo)
I usually remember to lock the doors but that’s about it. .
Image source: groovy_grape, Eugenia Remark / pexels (not the actual photo)
I’ve lived alone in a downtown city and out of the city. What made me feel safe in the city was living in an apartment with a door that was inside a building rather than outside. Essentially, you had to have a key or pass code in order to get in, then keys to get in my apartment. However, I lived on the first floor, so I bought a door blocker and would put it behind my door as soon as I got home. I also have a baseball bat near my bed. I would sadly also have my blinds closed. Now, in my current place, I made sure I lived on the top floor and was a two door building. I still have a baseball bat, but I feel safer than when I lived downtown.
My dog, large heavy spikey cacti around the windows, and this sounds silly, but I have these enormous heavy book ends with handle looking things at the top. A baseball bat. Alexa can call emergency services.
I read somewhere that someone attempting to break in will not spend more than five minutes getting in. Sadly, the point is to make your house less appealing and more trouble to break into than someone else’s.
Image source: subbbgrl
Image source: roskybosky, Daniel R. Blume / flickr (not the actual photo)
Dead bolt on bedroom door and bathroom door. Bear spray and baseball bat.
Got wisdom to pour?