Yoga Joes: Classic Green Army Figures Trade In Guns For Yoga Poses
Yoga and war are two things that don’t really go well together in most people’s minds. However, inventor Dan Abramson has figured out a way to get the two to coexist peacefully. He created Yoga Joes, which are just like everyone’s favorite green plastic army men with one exception – they’re all correctly demonstrating classic yoga poses.
In his Kickstarter video, Abramson, who also has a line of yoga mats that he calls “Broga Mats,” says that the Yoga Joes make yoga more accessible – “I made Yoga Joes because I thought that it would be a fun way to get more people into yoga – especially dudes… beyond that, I wanted to make a violent toy become peaceful.”
More info: brogamats.com | Kickstarter | Facebook (h/t: colossal, mymodernmet)
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