20 Cool And Genius Architectural Ideas Inspired By Random Everyday Objects, As Created By This Architect

Published 2 years ago

Some people complain about their mundane life while others find inspiration in boring objects around them. It’s all a matter of perspective! A Brazilian architect, Felipe de Castro, uses his imagination and creates brilliant designs inspired by random everyday objects.

The artist transforms even the most basic objects once he starts to create a building sketch based on them. His cool and creative designs are not only great to look at, but also help people realize that inspiration can be found anywhere. Check out some of his best works in the gallery below.

More info: Instagram | linktr.ee

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Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq


Image source: felipedecastro.arq

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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architectural ideas, architectural ideas inspired by daily objects, creative architectural designs, daily objects, ideas, inspiration