20 Times People Found Terrible Home Décor Choices And Roasted Them On This FB Group

Published 2 years ago

We love good décor, but there’s a certain enjoyment to be had from seeing rather mismatched design elements and wondering what was going through that particular decorator’s mind in that moment. The following won’t disappoint in their creativity at aspiring to be the weirdest design ideas ever and the fact that people found them and roasted them so satisfyingly is just the icing on the cake.

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#1 This Just Seems Tricky To Navigate Once The Lights Are Out

Image source: Moira Atropos

#2 My All White Bedroom Will Be So Soothing – If I Can Just Keep My 16 White Persian Cats From Shedding

Image source: Moira Atropos

#3 Hmm

Image source: Lisa Benedict

#4 I Have Questions

Image source: Lisa Benedict


#5 I Wish It Were The Wallpaper That Bugged Me The Most – But Nope, It’s That Weird Trapezoid Mirror That Has Nothing In Common With Any Other Theme In This Room

Image source: Moira Atropos

#6 All I Know Is That Someday This Little Girl Will Grow Up And I Don’t Want To Work For Her

Image source: Moira Atropos

#7 I’m Not Cleaning This

Image source: Teresa Maxwell

#8 Wow

Image source: Lisa Benedict

#9 What

Image source: Teresa Maxwell

#10 I Like Mickey Mouse. But I Have My Limits

Image source: Lisa Benedict

#11 The Nice Thing About The Coffee Table Is That The Blood From The Scraped Shins Wipes Off Easily. I’m Not Sure If The Wicker Couch Matches The Faux Sheepskin Chairs That Don’t Go With The Fake Colonial Side Table Sitting Next To The Tourist Souvenir Tiki Idols, But The Polka Dots On The Couch Really Pull It All Together

Image source: Moira Atropos

#12 Message To Everyone Here: You Will Never Be As Classy As This Guy. Never, Never, Never. Don’t Even Think About It

Image source: Moira Atropos

#13 I… Have No Words

Image source: Eliza Russell


#14 This Is Just Tragic

Image source: Lisa Benedict


#15 “What We Need For Privacy Is Some Curtains – But Don’t Spend More Than $16 On Them”

Image source: Moira Atropos


#16 With All That Going On, What Really Bugs Me Are Those Dolls

Image source: Moira Atropos

#17 What In The Back Alley, Swiss Family Robinson, Stripper Counter Top Is Happening In This Bathroom???

Image source: Tracy Arthur

#18 I Have Questions

Image source: Lisa Benedict


#19 Wow

Image source: Lisa Benedict


#20 Home Decor

Image source: Images from under your bed



Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



amateur decorator, home decor, home design, interior design, living space, living space decor