45 Times Someone Dropped A Sentence No One Had Ever Heard Before
At this point in time, it feels like everything we say is just a repeat of something someone has already said before. Is there anything new to be said after hundreds of years of the written word?
As it turns out, many folks have had a similar thought about how repetitious mankind is. One community of Netizens by the name of r/BrandNewSentence, however, have scoured the vast Netscapes in the hopes of discovering something new that we haven’t heard before. Scroll below to see how well they did in their endeavour as we’ve shared a few of their most brilliant finds in the gallery below.
#1 Homie In Law
Image source: DougDefinitely
Turtles (She/her): YESS
#2 I Already Named My Switchblade Stabitha…
Image source: BoMaxKent
Monster Munch: Felislity
Robert T: Slashy McSlashface.
Deborah B: Lindslay
Bobby: Cleaveochoptra
#3 Lesbian Penguins Are So Progressive
Image source: fairsuture
Nerenahd Dhaneren: How did they prove it? Did they manage to take care of a plant for a month?
#4 He Started Trying To Look 18 Again By Drinking His Son’s Blood
Image source: TheHunter234
Multa Nocte: Wait, what did I just read?
#5 Like A Centaur That Got Chopped In Half
Image source: hot
Firstname Lastname: I feel like if she were to try to lie down on her back, er butt, she could be used as a teeter totter.
#6 Switching To Gender Evil
Image source: Different_Captain717
Random Archetypes: I’m gender chaotic
#7 What In The French
Image source: BrentonAsh165
#8 If Only They’d Had Some Indication…
Image source: CinemaslaveJoe
Multa Nocte: Too bad no one warned them ahead of time . . . . 🙄
#9 Gay Ukranian Super Soldiers
Image source: Creative_Pen2918
Rob: Sounds like a good plan. I’ve seen us when we get angry.
#10 Pregnant Hands
Image source: ThisIsMyPassword100
Superb Owl: So pretty much all men.
#11 If You Whacked Me With A Ford Explorer
Image source: rishipuff
Luke Branwen: “Ford Explorer” just write Indiana Jones ffs
Auntriarch: Oh dear you have won the internet today Luke
Cjay: I would like to nominate Luke Branwen for president
#12 Sketti Bowl Not Made Of Duck
Image source: lucatobacco
Tracy Wallick: Wikipedia says: “Lycopene is the pigment in tomato sauces that turns plastic cookware orange. It is insoluble in plain water, but it can be dissolved in organic solvents and oils. Because of its non-polarity, lycopene in food preparations will stain any sufficiently porous material, including most plastics. To remove this staining, the plastics may be soaked in a solution containing a small amount of chlorine bleach.[15] The bleach oxidizes the lycopene, thus allowing the product to dissolve.”
#13 Why NASA
Image source: Gnomecliff
Boootifull Unicorn (edited): ah Americans, will use anything other than the metric system
#14 What A Guy
Image source: Yeahanu
Nerenahd Dhaneren: Legend.
#15 Umm..no?
Image source: AwfulgamesInc
#16 Bisexual Cowboy From A Hypothetical Timeline Where The Wild West Is In France
Image source: PxxL8d
Susie Elle (edited): I mean in The Netherlands nobody would really be surprised, so you do you. In my hometown there’s a Jamaican man who only wears cartoon-themed tuxedos, another guy who only wears 80’s inspired gym clothes and a lady that has everything C O V E R E D in little fake flowers, so much so that she now resembles a moving pile of flowers. Bless ’em.
#17 Y’all Out Here Being Able To Smell Ants???
Image source: hisprerogative
Gravy the Vampire Penguin: Wait… yall can’t smell ants?
#18 Coffee Cat Detonates Atomic Bomb
Image source: ThisIsMyPassword100
#19 “Now That You Got Legs”
Image source: ThisIsMyPassword100
BrownTabby: I just googled it and supposedly it’s set during a time and place where there was lots and lots of “come pick cotton n*****” going on, but the movie just glosses over that. Not agreeing or disagreeing, just reporting what happened.
#20 Ramirez Has Just Got The Parking Lot Frog
Image source: HiYesIWannaDie
Boootifull Unicorn: she just needed something for Harry to do so she could write prose
#21 That Good Ol Southern Drawl
Image source: TreeSmithMusic
Nerenahd Dhaneren: Makes total sense.
#22 What About Iceberg’s Tears?
Image source: sorahiel
Saddest_Lion: Definitely “ol splashy”
#23 New For All Of Use + Meme
Image source: RocketMaN_28
Nerenahd Dhaneren: The hippo’s name is Chronos by the way.
#24 Tom & Jerry Irl
Image source: Playing_Life_on_Hard
Fora Nakit: Did it work?
Nichole Harris: Yes! 🤣 well….tbh IDK if there’s worked but I’ve done something somewhat similar and yup…. Mr rat had a funeral the next day
Nikole: My roommate and I did that in college when we had a mouse in the house. We didn’t put water in the bucket though because we’re not monsters.
Kaedyn Walsh (edited): I hope not. The poor innocent little rat doesn’t deserve to drown just because it’s being a rat.
#25 Is Refusing To Speak After Being Detained
Image source: fox5dc
Saddest_Lion: He knows snitches get stitches
#26 Haven’t Heard Any Of This Uttered Before & I Love This For Her…
Image source: showmetheyamz
Spittnimage: So that’s why Leonardo DiCaprio dumps women when they turn 25.
#27 We’re Living In The Matrix ?
Image source: Existentialidiot83
BrownTabby: This person is right
#28 On That Genderbent Andrew Tate Mentality
Image source: olivebeanss
Lexekon: Andrew summed it up perfectly. The belief we are licensed to be that awful to people who love us is an unnecessary burden to society.
#29 “What R Ur Adjectives???”
Image source: sam77889
Astrophile: Sleepy and hungry
#30 The Forbidden Art Of Giving Crabs Knowledge
Image source: _AstroMaddie
Mark: They’re too young to remember the great uprising
#31 They Had To Blow Dry The Ultrasound Goo Off Her
Image source: Streaker4TheDead
Mark: That’s a hamster-looking mouse
#32 Membership Only Human Trafficking Gentlemen’s Club Headquartered In Budapest
Image source: orchid_breeder
Boootifull Unicorn: or a deodorant
#33 Burger Looking Like Steve Harvey
Image source: LeahAllise
#34 I Must
Image source: almonakinvader
Flamingo Croquet: I’d rather have a bad book in my bookshelves than a bomb dropped on my house, so… not a bad development, I guess?
#35 9/11 Is Directly Responsible For 50 Shades Of Grey
Image source: MRF1982
BrownTabby (edited): So Bin Laden committed a further-reaching act of terrorism against America
#36 Wtf
Image source: Ominous-Glitch
Multa Nocte: Did HE die or did his testicles? We need more info. Wait, no we don’t.
RiotGirl: Ask and ye shall recieve. She grabbed him by the testicle and began to drag him around. He collapsed and he died.
#37 Pink Acid Trip That Feels Like Being Slapped By Lots Of Confusingly Attractive People
Image source: TechnicallyRon
The Alchemist: The last one genuinely makes me want to see it
#38 Yeehaw High School
Image source: BuoyantBoomer
#39 Kansas Is Not Meant For Permanent Habitation
Image source: confusedpenen
Saddest_Lion: As a native Kansan, I completely agree
#40 Why Would The Robot Do This
Image source: Community_Normal
OphelieTheCat (edited): LA La La (๑ˇ▽ˇ๑)•*¨*•.¸¸♪ stop criming la La La 🎶🎶
#41 Wait Until You See How Pineapple Grows!
Image source: radtoria
#42 Too Late For Vito Though
Image source: Openbady
Boootifull Unicorn: that was… surprisingly wholesome???
#43 Put Your Fingers In The Public Balls
Image source: No_Lab9230
Panda Cam: Fairly sure your mom knew where yours fingers had been.
#44 Air Dropped Wolves. That Is All
Image source: AwfulgamesInc
#45 Whole New Meaning To Fence-Sitting…
Image source: Charlie-VH
Nacho Man Sandy Ravage: It would no longer gave her an Eiffel and she took of-fence
Got wisdom to pour?