Artist Creates Exploding Trash Sculptures To Remind Us How Much Stuff We Own
Argentinian artist José Luis Torres has been taking out the trash, painting it in vibrant colors and putting it back in cities across Canada as sculptures. No, it’s not some compulsive disorder, he’s been doing this to demonstrate just how much stuff we own and the insane amount of waste we produce.
To comprehend how big the problem is, take a look at the statistics. According to the 2014 numbers, in U.S. alone every single person generated around 4.4 pounds (2.0 kg) (multiply that by 319 million U.S. citizens) of municipal solid waste (MSW) per day, making U.S. the world “leader” in waste production.
Of course, the love for easily disposable things is not only the U.S. problem. And knowing that Torres’s take on overconsumption and waste production becomes that much more important.
More info: josé luis torres (h/t: inhabitat)
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