30 Instances When Designers Put Their Hearts Into Creating Something Kids Would Love

Published 1 year ago

Designing for children is a unique challenge, as their tastes and preferences can be vastly different from those of adults. However, when designers get it right, the results can be truly magical.

From toys and games to furniture and clothing, there have been many instances where designers have gone above and beyond to create something that children absolutely loved. Here are just a few examples of such designs.

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#1 My Husband Built This Indoor Playhouse For Our Foster Children, Complete With A Kitchen, Real Working Windows, And Lights

Image source: SKatieRo

#2 My Car Wash Has A Soap Cannon For Kids

Image source: JeF4y

#3 This See-Saw Has Sliding Weights So Different-Sized Kids Could Play Together

Image source: tomoppad

#4 A Test Of Maturity

Image source: stardust7

#5 Miniature Traffic Playground In Copenhagen Where Kids Learn To Bike In Traffic

Image source: ledigtbrugernavn3

#6 This Playground Has A Sign So Hearing And Deaf Kids Could Play Together

Image source: Yanduckz

#7 I Saw A Special Swing For Wheelchair-Bound Children

Image source: electronicvan

#8 These Kids Toilets In A London Museum. Whose Sinks Slope To Cater For Progressively Shorter Children

Image source: cuttyranking

#9 Simple Way To Measure Kids Feet At My Local Shop

Image source: Brentimator

#10 This Swing For Kids Waiting At The Bus Stop In Bergen, Norway

Image source: Donyk

#11 This Park Has A Swing Where A Parent And A Kid Can Swing At The Same Time

Image source: RandomPlayR69

#12 The Publix In My Hometown Gives Out Fruits To Kids For Free

Image source: definitelynot_avirus

#13 My Daughter’s First Grade Classroom Has Desks With Pedals So Kids Can Move While Learning

Image source: LurkerMcLurkerton

#14 In The Europa Park Hotel In Germany, There’s A Tiny Children’s Bathroom In The Bathroom

Image source: AndiMacht

#15 They Have Built-In Children Seats In The Madrid Bus

Image source: Wonderfullltatts

#16 This Enclosed Bus Stop For The Kids To Use While Waiting In The Cold

Image source: Banterfix

#17 This Picnic Table Has A Built-In Seat For Infants And A Small Bench For Kids

Image source: kittenmittens1000

#18 So My Wife And I Were Shopping For A Children’s Car-Seat. We Were Not Disappointed

Image source: smuggled_raisin

#19 This Dairy Queen Has A Door Just For The Kids

Image source: dusanman1

#20 The Taps In Our Kindergarten Have Googly Eyes And Caps To Entertain Children

Image source: Spanholz

#21 They Make Mini Replica MRI Machines, Complete With Noises, To Prepare Children For Their Scan

Image source: Channianni

#22 A Shopping Mall In My City Has A Giant Artificial Tree For Kids To Play In

Image source: Polaroid1999

#23 This McDonald’s Has The Table Drop Down For Kids

Image source: ToastyBoyisCool

#24 This Cloth Screen Goes Over The Door Hinge, At A Preschool, To Keep Kids From Getting Their Fingers Smashed

Image source: LeifSized

#25 This Cool Kid’s Washroom

Image source: insoh2

#26 This Extension For Piano Pedals Is Designed For Advanced Child Pianists Who Can’t Reach The Pedals With Their Legs Yet

Image source: abnrib

#27 These Special, Short Windows For Curious Children To See The Construction Site

Image source: 111z

#28 Bus For A Pre-School Kids. Spotted In Nagoya

Image source: AndrewJamesMD

#29 This Book Is For Children To Teach How To Tie Shoes

Image source: ClinkKongDingDong

#30 My City Has A Mock City To Train Kids Rules Of Traffic. It Includes A McDonald’s And Tim Horton’s

Image source: reddit.com

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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creative designs for kids, design, design for children, designs for kids, innovative designs for kids