25 Funny Memes About The Very Real Struggles Of Using Excel
At some point in our lives, we’ve all been confused by a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. As a corporate tool, this software once held a prime spot in our working lives. It proved useful when dealing with company payroll, bookkeeping and data organisation before Google Workspace came into the picture. Indeed, back in the day, Excel was king, even though it was notoriously challenging.
Today we explore the ExcelHumor Facebook page where folks have come together to poke fun at the daily struggles of dealing with the program and its janky features. Scroll below to check out the most relatable and hilarious jokes and posts found on the page.
Image source: ExcelHumor
Green Machine: Absolutely a perfect joke. 🤣
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
TheBlinkingDuck: HATE OneDrive!
Image source: richard_normal
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: netcapgirl
Donna Peluda: Miss October.
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: jxxf
BewilderedBanana: Or 1st February outside the US :)
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
MrLiesegang: Blue Screen of Death, this is really cool
Image source: TomboyTgirl
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
rararando: I learnt this just recently. Ctrl+Shift+V!
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
Tucker Cahooter: I refuse to lie on anything that doesn’t have “Developer” tab in the menu bar
Image source: Phylan
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
Hugh Crawford: Saved in excel 97 format
Image source: ExcelHumor
Image source: ExcelHumor
Laughing Orc: My eyes feel funny
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