Looks Like Satan’s Been Posting Online And It’s Funny As Hell (20 Pics)

Published 1 year ago

Our sense of humour has turned darker and darker with the passing years, so it stands to reason that someone thought, hmmm… maybe the devil has a funny bone too. So they created the ‘s8n‘ Instagram account which has currently amassed a following of over 290K peeps. 

The self-proclaimed Devil who runs the account claims that “he is not evil, just misunderstood”. Some posts are even impishly captioned, “Stop hating yourself, that’s my job.” So while life has its dark days, perhaps some devilish humour will lighten your day. 

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#1 Your Face Disgusts Me

Image source: s8n

#2 Like Wtf Is Wrong With All Of You

Image source: s8n

#3 It’s Like Love But Worse

Image source: s8n

#4 I Mean…. Am I Wrong

Image source: s8n

#5 It Actually Helps, Try It!

Image source: s8n

#6 Truly Hell!

Image source: s8n

#7 Let’s Be Honest God Wasn’t The Best Of Fathers…

Image source: s8n

#8 Adam And Eve Went Up The Hill… Wait Wrong Story But You Get The Point, She Ate An Apple And Got Banned From Heaven Or Whatever It Was I Don’t Read

Image source: s8n

#9 I Don’t Even Do Anything Smh

Image source: s8n

#10 Try It It Really Works

Image source: s8n

#11 Well They’re Not Wrong Are They….

Image source: s8n

#12 This Is A Very Valid Reason

Image source: s8n

#13 This Is The Nicest Thing You’ll Hear From Me

Image source: s8n

#14 I Mean He’s Not Wrong He Literally Was Lmao Barn Baby Boy

Image source: s8n

#15 And That’s On Treating Everyone Equally!

Image source: s8n

#16 Life Is Sh*t But Life Wouldn’t Be The Same Without Your Life In It

Image source: s8n

#17 Some People Are Beyond Pure Evil

Image source: s8n

#18 Tbh I Literally Had No Choice I Get Booted Down There

Image source: s8n

#19 Are You Trying To Put Me Out Of Work??

Image source: s8n

#20 Nothing Lasts Forever… Except That Embarrassing Thing You Did… I Remember

Image source: s8n

#21 F**k You And F**k Italy Dogsh*t England Dogsh*t Dogsh*t Dogsh*t Embarrassing Dogsh*t

Image source: s8n

#22 I’m Sorry Okay

Image source: s8n

#23 Be Mad At Him Not Me For Once

Image source: s8n

#24 The Worst Type Of People Go There

Image source: s8n

#25 Wingman Satan

Image source: s8n

#26 Who Said I’m The Bad Guy Huh?

Image source: s8n

#27 Will You Have Time To Send It? You Will Never Know

Image source: s8n

#28 And I’ll Do It Again

Image source: s8n

#29 Like Yo? Make Up Your Damn Minds (Goth Girls Are Hot Pls Step On Me)

Image source: s8n


Image source: s8n

#31 Making Jokes About Someones Family Member Dying Isn’t A Joke. Also I’m British Before You Say ‘Huh Duh It’s Humor’ Shut Up

Image source: s8n

#32 Because There Is Fire Everywhere Right! Right

Image source: s8n

#33 Idk What This Means But It Sounds Good

Image source: s8n

#34 This Man @lilnasx Wild Fr…

Image source: s8n

#35 This Exactly What You Wanted

Image source: s8n

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



funny, jokes, memes, s8n, satan