30 Pictures Showing How Fake Instagram Photos Can Be

Published 5 years ago

Judging by their Instagram photos, some people seem to be living the perfect lives – always on some kind of trip, driving fast cars and eating delicious food while looking their best. “Man, I wish my life was so perfect,” you may think. Well, the truth is that the “perfect” people in the photos aren’t so perfect at all – in most cases the end result that you see is nothing more than some clever angles, good lighting and lots and lots of Photoshop.

A subreddit called r/Instagramreality is all about exposing the fake photos people are posting on social media. Terrible photoshopping, betraying shadows and even fake clouds – it seems that there’s nothing some people wouldn’t do to look better on Instagram.

See the hilarious fake Instagram photos in the gallery below and don’t forget to check out our previous posts here, here and here!

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#1 That Cloud Wont Leave Her Alone..

Image source: your-missing-mom

#2 A Strong One

Image source: mr_kord

#3 Good Old Fashioned Facebook. These Are Going To Give Me Nightmares

Image source: posey98

#4 Going Hiking

Image source: Muppy

#5 He “Travels” The World And He Has His Own Personal Fence Following Him Around The World

Image source: Purple_Lamas

#6 The Longer You Look, The Stranger It Gets.

Image source: SCBeauty

#7 Don’t Doubt It

Image source: seemesometime

#8 When You’re Influencing So Hard You Grow A Second Bellybutton

Image source: marrewerre

#9 Same Day Comparison

Image source: franklyfranka

#10 People Really Think They Can Photoshop Themselves Ten Pounds Lighter And Then Walk Out In Public Like No One Will Notice

Image source: EvalynHTX

#11 Spotted On Twitter

Image source: LoveSicKWAR

#12 Her Booty Just Melts Into The Seat

Image source: SweetJazz25

#13 Devil Really Is In The Details

Image source: abberlaine_arrol

#14 All Her Pictures Look Like This

Image source: kentucky_bunny

#15 Not Insta But… I Can’t Even…

Image source: sinmantky

#16 This Sub Summarized In A Picture

Image source: MaddieThePie

#17 I Started Paying Attention To The Clouds Ever Since I Saw The Post On Here..

Image source: Snugglepuff1

#18 Smooth Criminal

Image source: snowinginthesmoke

#19 I’m Literally Terrified

Image source: Joce7

#20 When You Facetune Your Skin To Oblivion But Forget To Adjust Your Claw

Image source: savage0ne1

#21 How Do You Breathe With A Nose This Thin

Image source: shrinkingbabe

#22 Me On Instagram vs. When You Walk Into Me At The Supermarket

Image source: GoldKatana

#23 This Hurt My Eyes

Image source: ichabod28

#24 The Longer You Look The Stranger It Gets

Image source: limetostitos69

#25 100% White Swedish Influencer (Blackfishing)

Image source: modudupup

#26 The Razor Burn Is Real

Image source: nokia621

#27 Not Getting This Voldemort Nose Trend

Image source: WileyWiggins

#28 He Looks Like A Cgi Character. I Honestly Thought That’s What This Was, But His Whole Ig Is Extremely Edited Like This

Image source: austinpurrs

#29 Found This Titled: “Turn From Incel To Chad”

Image source: zombiekiler1001

#30 The Gift That Keeps On Giving!

Image source: Garden_Jose

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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insta vs reality, instagram reality, instagram vs. reality, truth behind instagram