20 Random But Hilarious Comics About Everyday Objects, By “The Daily Dunc”
In a world where creativity knows no bounds, “The Daily Dunc” by Dylan emerges as a shining beacon of humor and imagination. This brilliant one-panel comic series takes the mundane and ordinary and transforms it into a whimsical universe where everyday objects come to life with personalities that will leave you in stitches.
Let’s explore 20 random but funny comics by “The Daily Dunc” that bring laughter to the mundane.
More info: Instagram | thedailydunc.bigcartel.com
Image source: thedailydunc
Heather Vandegrift : “A S’MORGY”
Image source: thedailydunc
WindySwede : “Thanks… that [was] just the cherry on top I needed. .”
Image source: thedailydunc
Gorilla guy : “I got four flat tires last week. My silly neighbor dumped a box of nails on my driveway because of a previous incident.”
Image source: thedailydunc
Apatheist Account2 : “What’s the one on the right supposed to be?”
Lawrencium : “Empty battery”
Image source: thedailydunc
WindySwede : “Hold the flashlight still!”
Image source: thedailydunc
Lotekguy : “He’s so vein.”
Image source: thedailydunc
Lotekguy : “Understandable. It’s a one-sided relationship, and that leads to resentment by the one doing all the giving.”
Image source: thedailydunc
Gorilla guy : “So the pencils face just moves down it’s body the smaller it gets?”
Image source: thedailydunc
WindySwede : “wash your nut?!”
Gorilla guy : “The nut goes on the bolt (reproducing?) And then the bolt goes through the washer (threesome)”
Image source: thedailydunc
Imadoggo : “Oh how the turns have tabled”
Sans Serif : “Biting off the heads, these guys know what they’re doing…”
Image source: thedailydunc
percival forks : “that’s funny.. twirly twirl twats.x”
Image source: thedailydunc
Lotekguy : “After sleeping too late to get the worm, the bird finds solace in other achievements.”
Image source: thedailydunc
Momten Jillian : “Dont you mean “crappy hump” day? Im no Bactrian I’ll have you know”
Image source: thedailydunc
Sharla Voy : “Hot steamy pillow talk?”
Image source: thedailydunc
Apatheist Account2 :”If it were tattier… I’m a frayed knot.”
Image source: thedailydunc
Ambry Petersen : “I never could hula hoop.”
Julianne Robichaud : “I like it, but jupiter does have rings so that’s a bad example”
Image source: thedailydunc
Heather Vandegrift : “Now I want Oreos…”
Image source: thedailydunc
Gorilla guy : “I think my 10mm socket went with them.”
Image source: thedailydunc
Lotekguy : “I’d be happy if they looked like their pictures in the ads.”
Image source: thedailydunc
Sharla Voy : “When are you gonna stop playing with fire!?!”
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