20 Math Jokes You Don’t Need To Be Good At Math To Understand

Published 4 years ago

If there’s one thing most of us don’t miss form high school, it’s definitely math. Don’t know how about you, but I still get nightmares about the countless hours spent solving complicated equations and calculating the areas of geometric shapes, and there isn’t a day that I’m not thankful for always having a calculator app on my phone. However, math doesn’t always have to feel like torture. Quite the contrary – it can actually be pretty funny at times.

Today we have a collection of hilarious math jokes that everyone will be able to enjoy, no matter how good at math they were at school – check them out in the gallery below!

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#1 I Just Love This!

Image source: reddit.com

#2 Gold

Image source: reddit.com

#3 My Dads Attempt At A Math Joke

Image source: reddit.com

#4 It’s Very Simple

Image source: reddit.com

#5 Big Sad

Image source: reddit.com

#6 I’m So Full

Image source: reddit.com

#7 Symmetry Irl

Image source: reddit.com

#8 Wait What?

Image source: reddit.com

#9 Just Why???

Image source: reddit.com

#10 A Cringe-Worthy Meme

Image source: reddit.com

#11 Happy 1st Birthday

Image source: reddit.com

#12 Simple Geometry Shapes

Image source: reddit.com

#13 My Intellect Is Almost Frightening

Image source: reddit.com

#14 Disgusting Tans

Image source: shitpostempire

#15 My Friend Sent This To Me… I Love It But I Wish They Kept Going With A Few More Pi Digits

Image source: reddit.com

#16 Aaahhh… You Stupid Thing

Image source: reddit.com

#17 He’s In Trouble

Image source: reddit.com

#18 Turning All Odds Into Even

Image source: reddit.com

#19 So This Literally Happened 2min Ago, Probably Will Never Make A Better Pun In My Life

Image source: reddit.com

#20 That’s A Whole Lot Of Strawberries

Image source: reddit.com

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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funny, funny math jokes, humor, jokes, math jokes