50 Most Creative Trolls Who Protested The Protesters

Published 7 years ago

Protesters by definition are there to push boundaries, but among them, there are ones that are willing to push even more by protesting the protest itself.

If your mind isn’t blown away by that statement, then take a look at how some of these witty guys used protests as a medium to express their own point of view and troll protesters in the most hilarious ways.

Have you witnessed something like this with your own eyes? Then, by all means, share your stories in the comments!

(h/t: boredpanda)

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#1 Jesus Is Cool With It

Image source: Karomars

#2 San Diego LGBT Pride

#3 I Came To Take Your Jobs

Image source: LeCarpeDiem

#4 Pro-Life VS. Pro-Choice

Image source: schwanky

#5 Pornography Harms

Image source: uncouthsilence5

#6 Never Misses A Gay Event

#7 Trolling The Protestors

Image source: PR3DA7oR

#8 He Was More Like Me Than Like You

Image source: doug3465

#9 Sir Ian Mckellen’s Sign Is Everything

Image source: shxrlocked

#10 I Hope His Wife Has A Sense Of Humor

Image source: FearlessFixxer

#11 From Sunday’s Gay Pride Parade In Chicago

Image source: stardust7

#12 Hide Your Daughters

Image source: Will_Ryan_Post

#13 Relax

#14 Everybody Can Quote The Bible

#15 Priceless

Image source: StigmaGrey

#16 Weird Hobby

Image source: saturdaychores

#17 These Two

#18 This Protester In Chester

Image source: Big Heritage

#19 Homo Sex Is…

Image source: SwirlStick

#20 Sinner

#21 I Had To Take A Stand

Image source: stratola

#22 Fighting The Good Fight

Image source: TatumStrangely01

#23 Vader Hates Rebels

Image source: love_the_heat

#24 God Hates No One

Image source: FYMT

#25 This Guy Is A Dumbass

Image source: callmejuliette

#26 WestBoro Baptist Church Gets Trolled

#27 Ad Of The Day

Image source: saturdaychores

#28 Makes No Sense Either

#29 Troll Spotted IRL

Image source: 12thandDee

#30 You Deserve Potassium

Image source: JavaReallySucks

#31 Where’s Waldo?

Image source: Andres Trujillo

#32 Terrible Medium

Image source: Abra

#33 Street Preacher Schooled By Yale Students

Image source: Daniel Corvalho

#34 Verity Baptist Church, Hate Speech Preacher Roger Jimenez Protest

Image source: aaronm1981

#35 Counterpunch

Image source: wools

#36 I Was Told There Would Be Cake

Image source: haveitall

#37 Just For The Violence

Image source: Dan Kitwood

#38 He’s Gay

Image source: jameth

#39 Gay Marijuana

#40 When Dad Protests Water Prices

Image source: HackerMcCracker

#41 Too Bad I’m Vegetarian

Image source: saturdaychores

#42 God Hates Signs

Image source: burstein

#43 Glory To The Hypno-Toad

Image source: comicsalliance

#44 Jesus Burritos Are The Best Burritos

Image source: mythrowawayaccount31

#45 Women’s Rights Expert

Image source: saturdaychores

#46 Westboro Baptist Church: $5 Handjobs

Image source: reddit.com

#47 Counter Protest

Image source: gen_x_er_71

#48 I Want A Sandwich

#49 Anyone?

Image source: Jason Pier in DC

#50 So I Went To A Westboro Baptist Church Protest… (I’m The One On The Left)

Image source: yadnulsirhc


In cahoots with the secret orde...
With nobody. In cahoots with nobody.

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