People Are Cracking Up At These 22 Useless Signs Shared On A Dedicated Group

Published 1 year ago

With so many people to keep informed of potential obstacles and challenges, signs have a big role to play in society. There are road signs, general information disbursement signs, street signs, warning signs and so much more. 

However, once in a way, you may come across a totally useless sign too. Scroll below to check out some of the most hilarious examples of such in our totally entertaining gallery below. 

More info: Reddit

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#1 This Monstrosity

Image source: u/DragonThief98

#2 In Case There Was Any Doubt

Image source: u/dementio

#3 No S**t Sherlo… Wait… Cake?

Image source: u/nomaddd79

#4 Seen On A Delivery

Image source: u/_BurntReynolds

#5 I Would Have Died If Not For The Stop Sign. Obviously

Image source: u/Ericrobertson1978

#6 Well, Obviously!

Image source: u/Rusty_Mojo_88

#7 He Could’ve Just Called Me

Image source: u/waitisthataguayaba

#8 No Smoking In The Designated Smoking Area Guys!

Image source: u/[deleted]

#9 I Live In A Very Classy Area

Image source: u/beesknees42069

#10 Thank Goodness For The Sign. I Almost Used The Basin

Image source: u/aJrenalin

#11 Would Have Been Lost Without This Sign.. Lucky Me

Image source: u/vasboss

#12 This Felt Good Because I Was At The Post Office

Image source: u/Jaydice55

#13 Dang Was Scheduling To Have A Heart Attack There Gotta Go Somewhere Else I Guess

Image source: u/Lonely_Huckleberry98

#14 What

Image source: u/200K_Official

#15 Nothing Happened

Image source: u/MrBrianWeldon

#16 Thanks For The Heads Up

Image source: u/addrain1

#17 Sale!

Image source: u/blanketdweller

#18 Instructions For Santa In Case The Milk And Cookies Were Confusing

Image source: u/nomaddd79

#19 Guess Some Hotels Charge?

Image source: u/camcox3

#20 Unnecessary Instructions

Image source: u/OrneryNerves

#21 Damn I Was Planning On Playing Football There

Image source: u/[deleted]

#22 So Confused, Guess I’m Stuck Here!

Image source: u/Rusty_Mojo_88



Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



confusing signs, funny, funny signs, pointless signs, signs, useless signs