10 Good Deeds Done By Satanists That Surprised Everyone
What comes to your mind when you hear the word “satanist”? Most likely an evil-looking person dressed in black sacrificing a goat during a full moon or something similar. However, the reality is that they’re not that different from you and I (except maybe for the “dressed in black” part). Not only that – turns out that they often do good deeds that all of us could take as an example.
Today we have prepared you a list of good deeds done by the members of The Satanic Temple, and they’ll make you realize that Satanists aren’t devil-worshiping fiends that Christians often portray them as. Check them out in the gallery below!
#1 Organizing Initiatives To Provide Menstruation Products To Those Who Can’t Afford It
Image source: The Satanic Temple West Florida
Chapters of The Satanic Temple all across the USA collect menstrual products, such as tampons, pads, and menstrual cups, and give them out to those who cannot afford it.
#2 Encouraging People To Donate Blood And Save Lives
Image source: Satanic Australia
“Blood For Satan” is a charity event launched by Satanic Australia where Satanists from Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania would donate blood. So far they saved 252 lives.
#3 Backing Up Campaigns To Battle Various Child Abuse At Schools
Image source: The Satanic Temple
Members of The Satanic Temple are addressing the abuse that takes in public schools, as well as fighting corporal punishment, using physical restraints, and restricting bathroom access.
#4 Providing Business Attire For People Trying To Break Out From Poverty
Image source: The Satanic Temple Arizona
The Arizona chapter of The Satanic Temple collects and gives out formal and semi-formal attire to people who cannot afford clothes for job interviews and employment fairs.
#5 Providing Baby Supplies For Struggling Parents
Image source: The Satanic Temple Minnesota
The Minnesota chapter of The Satanic Temple partnered with Simpson Housing services and organized a diaper drive where they would donate infant care products to those in need.
#6 Keeping Homeless’ Feet Clean And Warm By Providing Socks
Image source: The Satanic Temple West Florida
“Socks For Satan”, one of the longest-running campaigns created by the Florida chapter of The Satanic Temple, collects and distributes socks to people living on the streets.
#7 Committing To Keeping The Beaches Clean With Save Our Shores Program
Image source: The Satanic Temple Santa Cruz
The “Save Our Shores” Campaign organized by the Santa Cruz chapter adopted a beach in California back in 2018 and have committed to keeping it clean, while also raising awareness.
#8 Donating Clothing And Raising Money For People In Need
Image source: The Satanic Temple Boston
Back in 2017, The Satanic Temple Boston organized a clothing collection called “Warmer Than Hell”, where they collected 191 coats, sweatshirts, jackets, hats, and gloves for those in need.
#9 Collecting Donations For People Who Experienced Domestic Abuse
Image source: The Satanic Temple Austin
The Austin chapter of The Satanic Temple, as well as 21 others, are collecting donations for SAFE (Stop Abuse For Everyone), an organization that aims to help the victims of domestic abuse.
#10 Supporting The Adopt-A-Highway Programs Across Different States
Image source: The Satanic Temple Indiana
Various chapter of The Satanic Temple are organizing highway clean up campaigns all across the USA.
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SAtanic temple is a human rights movement satanists worhship satan