32 Funniest Reactions To Great Britain’s Record-Breaking Heatwave
If you’re European and have been outside in the past month, we probably don’t have to tell you there’s a major heatwave happening across Europe. Last week, it finally reached the United Kingdom, with temperatures reaching up to 100.5 (38°C) degrees. Believe it or not, it’s only the second time triple-digit temperatures were recorded in the UK – so it’s no surprise this sudden wave of heat provoked some hilarious reactions from the Brits.
From melting stairs to swimsuits in the metro, check out the Brits’ funniest reactions to the record-breaking heatwave in the gallery below!
Image source: Ch10e
Image source: TreasuryMog
Image source: PennywellFarm
This guy is an absolute baller
Image source: reddit.com
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
Image source: BadgerTamer
Tales of heatwave madness – the floor is lava
Image source: s**tlondon
Image source: Nikmomo
Image source: tarevamylia
Nice to know there’s one place on my body that I didn’t sweat from during this heatwave
Image source: IAMgrampas_diaperAMA
Easy jet nailing their advertising
Image source: s**tlondon
Sun, deckchair, beachball, sand (from a bag) middle of Blackfriars Bridge, as you do
Image source: s**tlondon
Image source: HennyInMyCereal
Image source: SeaThreePeeO
Image source: holly_bourneYA
How to keep your pussy cool in a heatwave – ice balls.
Image source: s**tlondon
Heatwave : no Ice Cream…this is a national emergency
Image source: s**tlondon
Image source: filipv
Image source: s**tlondon
Image source: PTLiebling
Image source: Helenkathleenpr
Image source: ohdeery
Proper s**t London.
Image source: s**tlondon
Image source: NatDewhurst
Image source: thing_stuff
Image source: SimpsonsQOTD
This guys a legend even gave me a blast
Image source: s**tlondon
Image source: GeorgiNeychev88
Image source: s**tlondon
Image source: BulbasaurTHICC
Image source: bbctennis
Spotted on the Piccadilly line
Image source: reddit.com
Image source: flyguyrichards
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