Artist Illustrates The Huge Difference Between Her Mom And Dad, And We Can All Relate To It

Published 6 years ago

Yasmine Surovec is a cartoonist who has created an incredible illustration series called “How We Came To Be” which mainly focuses on the everyday life situations that made her who she is. On her personal website, Yasmine shines a bit of an ironic side to her work by saying: “I just draw and write stuff. And I’m not even great at it. But I’m sure there’s at least a handful of folks out there itching to read insightful comics about the time a catheter was shoved inside my pee hole. Or that time I was told that I could achieve anything I wanted if I worked hard and put my mind to it. What a lie. Years later, I still haven’t been able to telepathically communicate with my goldfish. That, or he just ignores me, which is the likely scenario.”

One of her illustration series portrays the huge difference between her mother and her father that she has noticed while growing up. Scroll down to see what made Yasmine be who she is today, and we’re sure you’ll be able to relate to her childhood more than you can imagine

More info: (h/t)

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My mother used to be pretty blunt

She wasn’t the most affectionate, motherly type. But I could always rely on her to give me straightforward answers.

My father was, and still is, always very pleasant, and not wanting to cause friction or worry with seemingly controversial statements

He’s very intelligent and book smart, so as I’d gotten older, I figured he was just trying to give me answers that he thought wouldn’t upset me. I eventually ended up figuring it out from a book in my elementary school library. The book was Where Did I Come From, by Peter Mayle.

Ma had no time for sentimental or florid explanations

Pop just wanted me to be happy

My mom also warned me about STDs

My dad was right to strict at times

My ex-boyfriend had something going on with an older woman–my high school teacher’s friend. And I found out about it through my high school teacher herself. Oh well. We would eventually leave for the USA anyway: land of Johnny Depp, and that guy from Teen Witch.

Both my parents are hard-working people who went through a lot. So I can understand this sentiment

Despite their difference, they were extremely supportive parents who were there for us all the way

Rugile Matuseviciute

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children, comics, family, funny, growing up, motherhood, parenting, relationships, Yasmine S.