40 “Choosing Beggars” Whose Selfishness Will Make Your Blood Boil

Published 5 years ago

Those who still say “beggars can’t be choosers” don’t know how dead wrong they are. Believe it or not, given the opportunity, some people will haggle over almost anything – including free stuff. The sense of entitlement is real with most of these people – so real, it will make your blood boil with anger.

“Choosing beggars” don’t see anything wrong with asking for free stuff – and getting mad when they don’t get it. “What do you mean you won’t paint my portrait for free? Think about all the exposure!” Too bad stores don’t accept exposure.

From asking for ridiculous discounts to throwing tantrums after they don’t get them, see the people who will make you wipe the phrase “beggars can’t be choosers” from your dictionary once and for all in the gallery below!

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#1 A Brilliant Way To Deal With “Influencers”

Image source: Shattered_Earth

#2 63 Sandwiches In 1 1/2 Hours!?! How Dare They!

Image source: leonardcowalski

#3 My Mechanic Telling It How It Is. Support Artists And Labor Folk!

Image source: mewisme700

#4 This Groomer Is Definitely Prepared For All The Choosing Beggars

Image source: MishMashed_

#5 I Won’t Invite You To My Baby Shower, But You Better Get Me A Gift

Image source: auzy63

#6 Choosing Beggar

Image source: Ericalva91

Two years ago I saw that guy with the gas can begging for money. Tried to give him four dollars, but he said he doesn’t take anything less than five. After that I saw him there everyday for months. Turns out he’s a fraud with a new Jeep and a nice house. Been following him with this sign since.

#7 This Guy Gets It

Image source: TheAlmonteFilms

#8 Broke Boy

Image source: Epix4

#9 Seems Like Indonesia Is Not Choosing Any Of Them Begpackers

Image source: __son__

#10 Lady Wants Barely-Used Computer For $25

Image source: kaysimm12

#11 Mom Thinks Her Son Needs My Service Dog, Not Just Any Service Dog

Image source: coloSDhandler

#12 Thought On Exposure

Image source: PulsarCardinal

#13 I Have To Pay For My Food?

Image source: auzy63

#14 Ungrateful Man Shames His Wife On A Public Forum Because The Dinner She Cooked Him Wasn’t To His Liking

Image source: TheMightyWizardKing

#15 So You Want Me To Unsell My Car And Are Offering Me Less Than It Sold For…

Image source: hellmet_3

#16 Everyone Named Sheldon Gets A Free Laptop

Image source: askingu2bmymeme

#17 Youtube Musician Donates Guitar

Image source: psycho-mouse

#18 Can You Draw Me For Free?

Image source: SadDinklebot

#19 It’s Free Pool

Image source: madammayorislove

#20 If You Think It’s Simple

Image source: TheAlmonteFilms

#21 But I Only Have 800 Dollars

Image source: jns012003

#22 This Store Knows

Image source: MotherYeet

#23 Just To Persuade Him

Image source: XxxP1X3L_D3L74xxX

#24 “But It’s My Shift”

Image source: sierrasmf6

#25 “Fortunately I’m Not In A Position Where I Need To Pay To Work”

Image source: carlayyy_13

#26 It’s Free

Image source: VeeVixin

#27 No Uggos. Next!

Image source: crookedlizzie

#28 Sign At My Local Tattoo Shop

Image source: Hitmann99923

#29 A Friend Of Mine Just Sent Me This. Why Is It That “Cash Ready” Means You Should Get An Incredible Deal?

Image source: Spuffdozer

#30 Woman Gets Trolled After She Gets Too Choosy

Image source: givingadvice

#31 Woman Angry Book Pirating Site Is Being Sued, Complains To Author Whose Books She’d Been Stealing On Their Fan Page

Image source: aritae

#32 Sister, Can You Spare A Dime?

Image source: master__shake-_-

#33 He Is Always Asking For People To Help Pay For Rent And Bills. He Complains About Not Being Able To Afford Food… But He Thinks He Can Care For A Kitten…

Image source: ciciera

#34 Sorry I Dont Have Ca-

Image source: AnimalShoes

#35 Choosing Beggar Has Questions

Image source: trashwizardnyc

#36 Hungry, But Not That Hungry

Image source: Topher1999

#37 Still In Shock

Image source: eeedreese

#38 Not Good Enough For Her…

Image source: EvilCowEater

#39 Damn, That Sounds Like A Killer Investment

Image source: Hedwigisbae

#40 You Better Be Reliable And On Time For This Incredibly Below Minimum Wage Job

Image source: UninterestingAsperag

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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beggars can't be choosers, choosy beggar, choosy beggar posts, choosy beggars