35 Pics That Will Make You Realize How Dystopian Our Society Really Is

Published 4 years ago

Modern media seems to love twisting the narrative to make stories of oppression and abuse sound like feel-good stories. You know, like the time a 9-year-old hand-crafted and sold hundreds of keychains to pay off his schoolmates’ lunch debt and got praised for being a hero. And while nobody is saying the boy isn’t a hero, people seem to miss the point that it was a 9-year-old boy working to pay off other 9-year-olds’ lunch debt. Sounds like something you’d read in a Charles Dickens novel but, sadly, this is the dystopian world that we live in. And that’s just one example.

A Facebook page titled Inhumans of Late Capitalism collects the most depressing pictures that perfectly illustrate the dystopian capitalist society we live in – check out some of the best ones in the gallery below!

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Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


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Image source:  inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


So you spend money but you are still loitering…ok

Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source:  inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital


Image source: inhumansoflatecapital

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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capitalism, communism, consumerism, depressing pictures, drawbacks of capitalism, dystopia, dystopian society, Economics, GROWTH, hilarious pictures, human greed, Inhumans of Late Capitalism, macroeconomics, microeconomics, money, opportunism, paul mason, postcapitalism, society, supply and demand, utopia, we live in a society