Australian Man Comes Up With A Genius Way To Get His Lost Camera Back
You have to agree that losing stuff sucks. You have all these thoughts running through your head – “Where did I lose it? Did someone find it? Will they give it back? Do they know how to reach me?” – and you can’t do anything but wait and hope for the best.
Fearing he might one day lose his camera, Australian writer Andrew Mcdonald came up with a clever way of raising the odds of someone returning it. He shot a series of funny and sincere photo messages and left them in his camera, ensuring that even the most cold-hearted thief would return the camera in an instant. Check them out below!
More info: Website
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
“Have you lost your camera recently? Mislaid it somewhere in a national park? Left it in a taxi? Dropped it in the gorilla pit? Anyone can be a victim of the thoughtlessness and/or sleepiness that can lead to Camera Loss,” writes Andrew on his website.
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
“‘How can I prevent Camera Loss?’ I hear you ask, wishing I’d get to the point. Well, you can’t prevent cameras from getting lost, but you can do something so your camera can be found very soon after it has vanished.”
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
“All you have to do is take some photos – which you never delete from your camera – so when someone finds your camera at the bottom of the gorilla pit they are able to locate you and return the lost property to its rightful owner,” explained the writer. “To illustrate just how you can safeguard your camera from the crippling effects of Camera Loss, here are the pics that I always keep on my camera.”
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
In a recent interview with Bored Panda, the author said that he never actually ended up losing his camera. “The whole thing was always just a lark, just me having fun in my backyard,” said Andrew.
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
“I’ve had a few people ask me if I ever got my camera back. But I’ve had A LOT of people message to say that the post put a big smile on their face and made their day,” said the author. “Hearing that feedback is just the best. I always think that if you’re making another human smile, then you’re doing something right.”
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
We’re sure Andrew’s photos will inspire you to leave a similar message on your own camera. Who knows, the idea just might be crazy enough to work!
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
Image credits: Andrew McDonald
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